Page 11 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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7  |  Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the Yucaipa Basin Area |  San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District

                 TAC Meetings                                                          Deliverables: TM that will become
                 •   Actions to Achieve Sustainability – Project brainstorm of         the “Projects and Management
                     existing and planned management and new actions to achieve        Actions to Achieve Sustainability
                     sustainability                                                    Goal” chapter of the Yucaipa GSP.
                 •   Actions to Achieve Sustainability – Review results of project
                     ranking system and develop groundwater model scenarios to
                     evaluate project and management actions


        Considerable work has been conducted by basin stakeholders to assess the potential to recharge the
        groundwater in the Yucaipa basin.  The most recent activity includes conducting pilot infiltration testing
        at 13 sites across the valley, and the regional infiltration study is currently underway.  Our team will
        incorporate the results of the infiltration study into the USGS model which will then be used to assess
        future  management  activities,  including  groundwater  recharge  from  stormwater,  imported  water,  or
        from recycled water, and to evaluate the impacts of groundwater recharge projects  on sustainability
        goals. Our team will summarize the infiltration test results and the implications of those results on future
        projects and sustainable management.

                Deliverables: TM that will become the “Summary of Infiltration Test Results” chapter of the Yucaipa GSP.


        In this task, our team will develop a plan of action for implementing the projects and management actions
        identified in Task 7. The plan includes costs, schedule, annual reporting, and a periodic assessment of
        progress towards sustainability.

                Deliverables: TM that will become the “Plan Implementation Actions” chapter of the Yucaipa GSP.

        Our team currently has an updated database of water levels in the basin. We will summarize the known
        monitoring  programs  and  activities  within  the  groundwater  basin  that  can  be  used  to  meet  SGMA
        requirements.  Identifying  existing  monitoring  points  will  help  our  team  determine  the  scale  of  the
        monitoring plan needed to consistently collect data to evaluate progress and meet all sustainability goals.
        There are sufficient monitoring points to develop a groundwater monitoring network to provide on-going
        monitoring for SGMA thresholds. However, specific monitoring points, including the USGS monitoring
        system, will be selected to collect data that will be used for on-going evaluation of the sustainability
        Subsidence monitoring is a unique subset of the monitoring program. In other regions, land subsidence
        in  relation  to  groundwater  withdrawals  has  occurred  where  fine-grained  soils  have  been  dewatered
        resulting in hydrocompaction. We will confirm or expand on our current understanding from previous
        project areas with soils that are potentially susceptible to hydrocompaction. Geoscience has provided
        subsidence condition monitoring and assessment for more than 20 years. Geoscience designed and is
        currently overseeing extensometer construction for the Rancho California Water District to help assess
        land subsidence. More recently, we have added InSar imagery evaluation to the extensometer data to

                              Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 11 of 208
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