Page 144 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 144
Dudek anticipates obtaining the model input files and draft documentation in the summer of 2018 to begin
evaluating the basin water budget, sustainable yield and developing predictive simulations. The predictive
simulations include evaluation of up to three (3) future climate change scenarios using DWR guidance and five (5)
project alternatives/assessments. If the Yucaipa GSA requests additional predictive simulations to evaluate other
climate change scenarios or potential projects, than the scope of work and budget provided in this proposal will
be amended and presented for approval by the GSA.
Current and Historical Data Compilation and Assessment of Existing Data
Data Compilation
Reports and data will be limited to PDF, Excel, and GIS file formats. The organizations to be contacted to request
files will be allowed up to four (4) weeks to respond in order to meet proposed schedule requirements listed in the
RFP. Copy or scanning fees will be limited to a cumulative total of up to $1,000. Redaction of confidential data
will be the responsibility of the agencies providing the data.
• Database with compiled data
Prepare Initial Data Gaps Technical Memo
Data gaps will be summarized in a list at the conclusion of the Current and Historical Groundwater Conditions
task. Data conformance issues (i.e., inconsistent units, etc.) will be noted but not rectified as part of this task.
Data provided by the various sources is assumed to be correct and representative, and does not require
verification. However, related data and reports will be compared for consistency. Data gaps will be limited to
those with potential significance to the development of the GSP. This task assumes two (2) conference calls and
one (1) round of review by the Yucaipa GSA.
• Data Gaps Technical Memo (which will constitute the majority of the “Current and Historical Groundwater
Conditions” chapter of the GSP).
Prepare Historical Water Budget
The historical water budget will be based on the data identified by the local agencies and compiled during the first
three months following the kickoff meeting. Additional data will be incorporated after one (1) round of review by
Yucaipa GSA member agencies. Data made available after the first round of review will be held for incorporation
in the 5-year updates.
• Pre-draft historical water budget tables and figures for Yucaipa GSA review and comment
Technical Assessment of Monitoring Network
A memorandum will document the procedures used during the evaluation of the existing monitoring program, and
conclude with a discussion of expanding the network to be sufficient to meet SGMA requirements and meet
temporal and spatial monitoring objectives to support continued evaluation of the effectiveness of the GSP. Includes
a preliminary study of available information and data evaluation of screened intervals with respect to aquifer zones
based on existing logs. The memorandum will be subject to one (1) round of review by the Yucaipa GSA.
• One (1) electronic copy of the Monitoring Network Technical Memo (which will constitute the majority of the
“Existing and Planned Monitoring” chapter of the GSP).
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Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 142 of 208