Page 145 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 145
Technical Assessment of Projects and Actions
Dudek assumes that project costs, costs associated with implementing management actions, and anticipated
acre-feet of water supplied, will be provided by the project proponent, Yucaipa GSA member agencies, or
stakeholders. Dudek will produce an initial memo documenting the technical assessment of projects and
management actions after coordination with the Yucaipa GSA and stakeholders during the first projects and
management actions discussion session. Up to one (1) additional memo will be prepared following the second
discussion session to reflect updated analyses provided by project proponents, additional management actions
contemplated by the Yucaipa GSA, and the results of the groundwater modeling efforts.
• One (1) electronic copy of the Initial Projects and Management Actions Technical Memo
• One (1) electronic copy of the Second Projects and Management Actions Technical Memo
Prepare GSP
Administrative Draft GSP
Dudek anticipates completing the administrative draft of the GSP in December 2020. The administrative draft will
be provided electronically and hard copy, if requested, to the Yucaipa GSA and stakeholders to review and provide
comments. Dudek anticipates a 90-day review period for the administrative draft. Dudek assumes the member
agencies will coordinate their comments and provide either a single comment document from the entire GSA or a
single comment document from each GSA member agency.
Draft GSP
Dudek will incorporate the comments made on the administrative draft and submit (electronically only) a final
administrative draft document to the Yucaipa GSA before preparing the draft GSP for public review. It is
anticipated that the comments received on the final administrative draft GSP will be minimal and mostly editorial
in nature. Substantive comments requiring a second round of substantial edits would require an amendment to
the proposed budget. A print-ready copy of the Draft GSP, and in electronic format (Word and PDF), will be
submitted to the Yucaipa GSA for final review before release to the public. Dudek assumes the Draft will be
released to the public in July 2021, and that the comment period will close in October 2021.
Respond to Comments on Draft GSP
Responses to comments will be generated following closure of the first comment period. Dudek assumes that no
more than 20 substantive discrete comments will be received on the Draft GSP; note that one comment letter can
contain multiple substantive comments. Since the actual scope and extent of public comments (in either written
or oral format) cannot be definitively determined at this time, if additional staff hours are needed to prepare
responses to comments, the scope of work and budget provided in this proposal would be amended.
Prepare Final GSP
Dudek will produce a final GSP that incorporates comments on the administrative and draft GSPs. Dudek will
provide the Yucaipa GSA with five (5) printed and bound copies of the final GSP, one (1) electronic copy of the
Final GSP in Word format, and one (1) electronic copy of the final GSP in Web-ready PDF format.
Unanticipated Interaction with DWR or stakeholders
Since the actual scope and extent of unanticipated interactions cannot be definitively determined at this time
Dudek has assumed hours for meeting time, planning, and graphics that will be used on an as-needed basis. Use
of this time must be pre-approved by the Yucaipa GSA and additional time may be required if the unanticipated
interactions exceed the amount budgeted. Any additional time will be requested in a change-order for approval by
the Yucaipa GSA.
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Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 143 of 208