Page 199 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Michael P. Maley, PE, PG, CHG, CEG
impacts from septic tanks and developed strategies to protect the groundwater resources with approval
from local Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB).
Numerical Model Development, United Water Conservation District, Ventura County, CA
Mr. Maley worked with District to update the existing USGS MODFLOW model of the Santa Clara‐Calleguas
Groundwater Basin to a format that was usable by the District. He significantly improved the calibration
of the model. The model was used by the District to evaluate groundwater management programs, CEQA
analysis for wastewater facility upgrades and groundwater recharge program.
Numerical Model Development, Calleguas Municipal District, Ventura County, CA
Mr. Maley adapted the existing regional USGS MODFLOW model to support local groundwater
management, CEQA analysis for wastewater facility upgrades, groundwater recharge and desalter
programs. He worked with District to update the hydrogeological interpretation of complex bedrock units.
Focused model updates and recalibration on the groundwater‐surface water interactions with Arroyo Las
Posas were performed. The model is being applied by the District for long‐term planning and evaluation
of aquifer storage and recovery project.
State Water Project Chloride Modeling Analysis, Castaic Lake Water Agency, Santa Clarita, CA
Mr. Maley developed a water balance model of SWP to evaluate water quality changes with varying flows
for historical, current, and simulated projected water quality conditions in Castaic Lake. He simulated
changes in chloride concentrations over time under different hydrologic conditions including dry and
critically dry years of a future drought in the context of anticipated SWP and contractor operations in
response to the recent court decisions for the Sacramento‐San Joaquin Delta.
Water Quality Evaluation, Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District, Elsinore, CA
Mr. Maley updated an existing MODFLOW/MT3D numerical model to evaluate nitrate transport within
the enclosed groundwater basin. He provided characterization of nitrate sources within the basin and
calibrated the model to groundwater elevations and nitrate trends. Mr. Maley developed scenarios to
evaluate future nitrate trends at municipal production wells and presented results of long‐term septic
tank impacts to the local RWQCB.
Discharge Compliance Project, Incremental Recycled Water Program, City of Santa Rosa, CA
Mr. Maley evaluated the hydrogeology of the Healdsburg, Alexander Valley, and Santa Rosa Plain basins
including groundwater‐surface water interactions with the Russian River. He developed
MODFLOW/GSFLOW models to support project siting, engineering design, and CEQA impact analysis of
wastewater disposal ponds along the Russian River. He evaluated the impact to groundwater levels, water
quality (metals and chloride), and groundwater‐surface water interactions on siting and engineering
criteria. He analyzed engineering aspects of percolation ponds and injection wells and developed siting
criteria for potential indirect discharge of treated wastewater.
Coupled Surface Water‐Groundwater Scoping Study, Sonoma County Water Agency, CA
Mr. Maley evaluated available modeling codes to select the appropriate code for a coupled Russian River
and Alexander Valley Basin surface water‐groundwater model to simulate the complex interactions
between the Russian River and the groundwater and test various river management scenarios. He applied
a code selection process to balance technical capability, adaptability, time and cost requirements and the
ability to integrate with other models used by Russian River Stakeholders.
Groundwater Management Services, Scotts Valley Water District, Santa Cruz County, CA
Mr. Maley has provided over ten years of consulting to the District, supporting groundwater management
actions and ongoing evaluations to mitigate historical groundwater level declines and provide a more
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