Page 202 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Chad N. Taylor, PG, CHG
and the agencies past management efforts, and identifying stakeholders in the GSA and
Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) process.
Kern River Groundwater Sustainability Agency SGMA Groundwater Sustainability Plan
Preparation, Kern County, California
The Kern River Groundwater Sustainability Agency is a Groundwater Sustainability Agency
(GSA) covering the service areas of the City of Bakersfield, Kern Delta Water District, and the
Kern County Water Agency Improvement District Number 4 in Kern County. Mr. Taylor is a
project hydrogeologist on the team that is preparing the Groundwater Sustainability Plan
(GSP) for the GSA in accordance with the California Sustainable Groundwater Management
Act (SGMA). The GSA is within the high‐priority Kern County Subbasin of the San Joaquin
Valley Groundwater Basin; an area with high groundwater demand and significant historical
groundwater management challenges. He is formulating a conceptual model of the GSA area,
assisting with regional groundwater modeling and water balance calculation, and preparing
the GSP report.
SGMA Basin Boundary Modification, Elsinore Groundwater Basin, City of Corona, EVMWD,
and TVWD, Riverside County, CA
Mr. Taylor recently served as project manager and hydrogeologist for a successful effort to
modify groundwater basin boundaries undertaken collaboratively by the City of Corona,
EVMWD, and TVWD. This boundary modification task was completed in accordance with the
California Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) under the guidance provided
by the legislature, California Water Code, and the California Department of Water Resources
(DWR). He worked with the City EVMWD, and TVWD to define new groundwater basin
boundaries for the Elsinore Groundwater Basin. The former boundaries for this basin were
modified to align with mapped alluvial deposits to more accurately reflect the groundwater
system. The modification also included division of the Elsinore Basin into two separate
subbasins; the Elsinore Valley Subbasin and the Bedford‐Coldwater Subbasin. The boundary
modification requests were submitted to DWR based on scientific and jurisdictional rationale
and DWR agreed with the requests and approved the changes to the mapped basin
boundaries. Mr. Taylor led the effort in collecting, compiling, and submitting the data and
information required to make this request successful.
SGMA Planning and Preparation, James Irrigation District, San Joaquin County, California
Mr. Taylor serves as the project hydrogeologist for the James Irrigation District (JID) in San
Joaquin County, California as they prepare to comply with the California Sustainable
Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). JID is an exclusive Groundwater Sustainability
Agency (GSA) located in the high‐priority Kings Subbasin of the San Joaquin Valley
Groundwater Basin. As a first step in the SGMA Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP)
process, JID asked Todd Groundwater to compile a database of local well information, prepare
a set of groundwater elevation contour maps, and estimate recent groundwater storage
changes. Mr. Taylor worked with JID to compile a preliminary dataset of wells in the vicinity
of JID and evaluate the suitability of these wells for future analyses, monitoring, and
management. Mr. Taylor and the Todd Groundwater team are currently working with JID to
refine his well information dataset for use in further analyses, and ultimately for the GSP.
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Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 199 of 208