Page 207 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Amber J. Ritchie, PG

                       inflow and outflow to the project area that includes agricultural, industrial, municipal, and
                       groundwater banking activities.
                       San Mateo Basin Assessment, San Mateo County, CA
                       San Mateo County recognized that groundwater development is increasing in the San Mateo
                       Plain  Basin  and  sponsored  a  basin‐wide  hydrogeologic  assessment.  This  involved
                       characterization of the hydrogeology, assessment of the water balance, documentation of
                       groundwater quality, and consideration of groundwater management options. Ms. Ritchie’s
                       responsibilities  included  database  and  GIS  management  of  water  levels,  well  logs  and
                       construction, and water quality. Ms. Ritchie handled large amounts of data to create figures,
                       maps, charts, and graphs to characterize the groundwater basin. This information was used
                       in developing a first‐ever basin‐wide groundwater analysis.

                       Hydrogeologic Characterization of the Eastern Turlock Basin, City of Turlock, CA
                       The  City  of  Turlock  and  Turlock  Groundwater  Basin  Association  (TGBA)  conducted  a
                       comprehensive  hydrogeologic  characterization  of  the  eastern  Turlock  Subbasin,  which  is
                       undergoing  significant  agricultural  and  domestic  development.  Nonetheless,  groundwater
                       conditions are  not well known. Ms. Ritchie served as  staff hydrogeologist on this  project,
                       which  involved  evaluation  of  hydrostratigraphy  and  aquifer  properties,  groundwater
                       occurrence and flow, groundwater quantity and quality, changes in groundwater use (and
                       land use) over time, soils and vadose zone permeability, restrictive layers (such as duripans),
                       and water budgets.

                       Basin Characterization and Groundwater Quality, San Benito Annual Report
                       As staff hydrogeologist, Ms. Ritchie collected water quality data from a variety of public and
                       private  sources  and  organized  all  data  into  a  database  to  characterize  water  quality
                       throughout  San  Benito  County,  California.  Ms.  Ritchie  also  provided  GIS  maps  and
                       visualization of trends in water quality, particularly nitrate and total dissolved solids, in order
                       to update water quality records and incorporate new data into the database.

                       Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD), San Jacinto, CA
                       This project focused on a basin‐wide understanding of the San Jacinto groundwater basin to
                       evaluate  groundwater  recharge  and  recovery  from  new  EMWD  San  Jacinto  facilities.  Ms.
                       Ritchie led the GIS and data management of this project to determine groundwater quality,
                       quantity, and water levels within the basin to understand regional groundwater conditions
                       with  the  intention  of  future  placement  of  recharge  sites  and  groundwater  geochemical
                       modeling within the basin.
                       Copeland Creek Recharge Basin Investigation, Sonoma County Water Agency
                       Ms.  Ritchie  served  as  field  hydrogeologist  for  an  investigation  of  proposed
                       detention/recharge basins along Copeland Creek in the City of Rohnert Park, California. The
                       local hydrogeology is complex, with inter‐fingered fluvial, alluvial, and volcanic units offset by
                       faulting.  Ms. Ritchie conducted a field investigation including cone penetrometer test (CPT)
                       soundings to assess site lithology and occurrence of groundwater, and drilling, logging and
                       soil  sampling  during  installation  of  monitoring  wells.  The  investigation  revealed  shallow
                       perching  conditions  that  limit  potential  recharge.  Nonetheless,  the  site  may  be  used  for
                       stormwater detention with release of water for recharge along the creek.

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