Page 206 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Amber J. Ritchie, PG
Turlock Subbasin GSP
This ongoing project aims to prepare a GSP for the Turlock subbasin, overlying both Merced
and Stanislaus counties. Ms. Ritchie is leading the data acquisition and development of a
basin‐wide database that includes water levels, water quality, well construction, and well
production information.
Zone 7 Sunol SGMA
This project focused on assisting the Zone 7 Water Agency in Alameda County in meeting all
requirements under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) to become the
GSA for the Sunol Basin and prepare a GSP. Ms. Ritchie’s work focused on ensuring data was
collected and analyzed within the basin to assess the hydrogeology of the basin and to identify
current monitoring, data gaps, and monitoring needs.
Groundwater Monitoring Program, City of East Palo Alto
The City of East Palo Alto overlies 2.5 square miles of the San Mateo Plain groundwater basin.
As part of its groundwater development and management program, the City initiated a
monitoring program, which was designed and conducted by Todd Groundwater to protect
against potential overdraft, saltwater intrusion, and subsidence. This ongoing project includes
monitoring of groundwater levels, groundwater quality, and subsidence plus tracking of
rainfall and San Francisquito Creek flows. Ms. Ritchie has been responsible for measurement
of groundwater levels in six wells and sample collection from five wells for groundwater
quality analysis. She also manages the monitoring program database (including data collected
by Todd Groundwater staff and other monitoring entities) and assists in annual reporting to
the City.
Indirect Potable Reuse (IPR) Groundwater Studies, Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD)
SCVWD retained Todd Groundwater to lead groundwater investigations to support planned
IPR including update of the hydrogeologic conceptual model. This has involved review of
geologic and hydrogeologic information produced over the past 20+ years and development
of a 3D model of the hydrogeologic framework using the ArcHydro tool in GIS. Ms. Ritchie
used her knowledge of GIS database management to collect and organize data from a variety
of sources.
Groundwater Characterization and Recharge Study, City of Modesto, CA
The City of Modesto and the Stanislaus‐Tuolumne Rivers Groundwater Basin Association
(STRGBA) are conducting a feasibility study of aquifers and groundwater conditions in the City
of Modesto service area for managed aquifer recharge. Ms. Ritchie served as staff
hydrogeologist on this project to develop a hydrogeologic conceptual model, evaluate
groundwater levels, groundwater quality, and develop recommendations for a managed
aquifer recharge program.
Numerical Modeling of Kern Fan: Kern County Water Agency, CA
This project consists of the evaluation of the groundwater banking in Kern County, California.
Ms. Ritchie determined characteristic hydraulic conductivity values of the area using
information acquired from various well logs in the county. Discrete zones of varying hydraulic
conductivity were determined in order to create a comprehensive water balance detailing the
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Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 203 of 208