Page 205 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Amber J. Ritchie, PG
Associate Hydrogeologist
MS, Hydrogeology, Illinois State University, 2012
BS, Geology, Clemson University, South Carolina, 2010
Professional Geologist, No. 9476, California
Ms. Ritchie joined Todd Groundwater in January 2013. She has five years of experience with
a variety of groundwater topics such as groundwater management plans, field work (including
well installation, monitoring, and aquifer testing), groundwater basin characterizations, and
GIS database and data management. With a certification in Geographic Information Systems
(GIS), Ms. Ritchie brings experience in database creation and application to groundwater
Palm Desert Aquifer Recharge Feasibility Study, Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD)
Todd Groundwater assisted the CVWD evaluate the feasibility of recharging up to 40,000 acre‐
feet per year of Colorado River Water in the Coachella Valley Groundwater Basin. Ms. Ritchie,
as project hydrogeologist, assisted with water quality and water level data management and
characterization, Geographical Information System (GIS) development and preparation of
hydrogeologic cross sections.
Groundwater Sustainability Plans, Kern River GSA and Cawelo Water District GSA
Todd Groundwater currently is assisting the Kern River GSA (including City of Bakersfield, Kern
Delta Water District, and Kern County Water Agency ID4) and the Cawelo GSA with
preparation of their respective GSPs. Ms. Ritchie is helping with database management and
drafting of GSP sections, for example, monitoring and management programs.
Kern County Groundwater Sustainability Planning, CA
This project consists of preparing a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) for the Kern County
Groundwater Sustainability Agency area. Ms. Ritchie is playing a key role in the hydrogeologic
and basin setting of this GSP. Her responsibilities include collecting and incorporating
groundwater levels and groundwater quality data from multiple sources, database and GIS
management, and preparing a hydrogeologic assessment for the sustainability analyses.
2490 Mariner Square Loop Suite 215 | Alameda, CA 94501 | 510 747 6920 |
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 202 of 208