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Ben Willardson
Years of Experience
Hydrology and Hydraulics Lead Education
PhD, Civil Engineering,
University of Southern
Dr. Ben Willardson has 18 years of professional experience and is California
a highly regarded hydrology and hydraulics specialist heavily MS, Civil Engineering,
involved in planning, design, compiling and analyzing data for Utah State University
water resources infrastructure and special studies related to BS, Civil Engineering,
Utah State University
hydrology, hydraulics, sediment transport, and water quality. Ben
has developed several master plans for drainage and stormwater
Civil Engineer, CA, 64937
capture, including the POLB Port-Wide Capital Improvement
Civil Engineer, UT,
Stormwater Infrastructure Master Plan and award-winning LADWP 368681-2202
Stormwater Capture Master Plan, and provided comprehensive Envision™ Sustainability
training to several municipalities on hydrologic methodologies. He Professional Credential
formerly managed the operation of 14 dams and 27 spreading Diplomate, Water Resources
Engineer, 00668
grounds for flood control and water conservation within
Qualified SWPPP Developer/
Los Angeles County’s complex flood control system. He has acted Practitioner, 24214
as an expert witness for litigation related to flooding and has also Awards and Recognition
conducted asset assessment for asset management programs
Storm Water Solutions
related to flood control channels and road pavement. In 2015, magazine, “Industry Icon,”
Ben was recognized as an “Industry Icon” by Storm Water 2015
Solutions magazine.
Coachella Valley Water District Palm Desert
Groundwater Replenishment Feasibility Study - Team
Lead for evaluating recharge on the Whitewater River for the
Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD). The study evaluated the
feasibility of recharging Colorado River water (CRW) in existing
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