Page 209 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Ben Willardson

                                                                          PhD, PE, ENV SP, D.WRE, QSD/P

               secondary effluent ponds of the CVWD Water Reclamation Plant No. 10 and within an adjacent 2-mile
               reach of the Whitewater River storm channel that crosses through the Palm Springs/Palm Desert area.
               The river reach is a 300-foot wide channel with sloped, concrete-lined banks with a soil cover and a
               natural bottom.  We worked with TODD Groundwater to evaluate several concepts that included river and
               offline basin recharge facilities to spread stormwater and CRW.  Tasks included review or existing facility
               design, operations, and maintenance; evaluation of multiple concepts which included development of
               concept design drawings, cost estimation, and evaluation based on criteria such as capital cost, operation
               and maintenance costs, and water recharge capacities, and preparation of a basis of design report for the

               San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District Debris Management Improvement

               and Design for Mill Creek Diversion Project Manager developing design plans for a modified
               diversion system that redirects debris and sediment while allowing flows to be rerouted to the existing
               spreading grounds.  The project involves hydraulic modeling, engineering design, and permitting support
               for development of an improved water diversion system for the Mill Creek spreading basins to reduce and
               prevent debris from accumulating at the diversion gate.  Tasks include: developing project concepts,

               schematic design drawings, and preliminary cost estimates for three alternative concepts; evaluating the
               performance and maintenance characteristics of the conceptual alternatives; determining the most cost-
               effective and maintainable design for the diversion system; analyzing existing conditions for flow depths,
               velocities, debris accumulation, and long-term channel trends; calculating the hydrostatic, hydrodynamic,
               and debris impact loads for the 5-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year storms; and identifying required permits.

               Enhanced Watershed Management Program Plans  Hydrology and Hydraulics Lead for the
               development of one WMP and six EWMPs, including the Los Angeles River Upper Reach 2 WMP and
               CIMP; City of Los Angeles Dominguez Channel Watershed EWMP; City of Los Angeles Ballona Creek
               EWMP; Rio Hondo/San Gabriel River Water Quality Group EWMP; City of Los Angeles Santa Monica Bay

               Jurisdictions 2, 3, and 7 CIMP and EWMP; City of Los Angeles Upper Los Angeles River EWMP; and South
               Bay Beach Cities Watershed Management Group CIMP.  Tasks included: the development of an EWMP
               Work Plan, RAA, and CIMP; regional project planning; coordination with the watershed groups; and
               project schedule and cost estimate development.

               City of Los Angeles One Water LA 2040 Plan Phase I  Project Manager for evaluating the
               expected water conservation numbers provided from the five EWMP Plans which cover the City
               jurisdiction, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) Stormwater Capture Master Plan
               (SCMP), and the Los Angeles Basin Stormwater Conservation Study (LA Basin Study) drafted by the U.S.

               Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Reclamation and the Los Angeles County Department of Public
               Works’ Flood Control District; reviewed and analyzed these studies to determine the stormwater flow and
               potential stormwater capture identified in each study.  In each of these plans, key assumptions, planning
               parameters, and data sources were identified.

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