Page 203 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 203
Chad N. Taylor, PG, CHG
Groundwater Management Plan, Kern Delta Water District, Kern County, California
Mr. Taylor has assisted the Kern Delta Water District as the project hydrogeologist of a
Groundwater Management Plan Update. The project involved a re‐assessment of aquifers,
development of a water budget, and documentation of numerous conjunctive use activities
including a formal groundwater banking project with the Metropolitan Water District of
Southern California and other water agencies. Mr. Taylor assisted in refining the conceptual
model of the study area, identifying, documenting, and categorizing existing groundwater
wells. The plan was adopted in September 2013.
Groundwater Recharge Assessment, City of Corona
Mr. Taylor served as project manager and hydrogeologist for the City of Corona’s project to
evaluate the feasibility of enhancing recharge of groundwater by capturing stormwater in a
highly urbanized environment with significant impervious area causing reduced natural
recharge. Mr. Taylor was responsible for a multifaceted project to evaluate the potential to
use existing stormwater retention basins for capturing and recharging groundwater.
IPR Groundwater Studies, Santa Clara Valley, CA, Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD)
Mr. Taylor has served as project hydrogeologist for a study to site and assess regulatory
compliance and potential water quality impacts of planned Indirect Potable Reuse (IPR)
recharge to groundwater (spreading and injection) of advanced‐treated recycled water. Mr.
Taylor led the development of a geographically enabled basin‐wide hydrogeologic conceptual
model and assisted in refinement of SCVWD’s groundwater flow model. These tools were
used to predict travel times to nearby supply wells, assess mounding from groundwater
recharge, and help site the IPR facilities. Mr. Taylor has also led field programs to site and
evaluate new recharge facilities, and construct monitoring facilities. Mr. Taylor has designed
and is coordinating the installation of a series of nested groundwater monitoring wells
designed to track recycled water at various depths in the subsurface. He has also led the field
testing of two prospective surface spreading recharge facilities, including long‐duration
managed infiltration tests using constant head test infiltration basins to assess recharge rates
and vadose and subsurface flow of infiltrated water. The project also includes dissolution
studies and geochemical analysis of potential effects of recharging advanced treated water in
the specific selected locations.
Modeling of Groundwater Banking Projects, Kern County Water Agency
Mr. Taylor served as project hydrogeologist for the evaluation of groundwater banking
operations in Kern County, California. This ongoing project involves the development of a
comprehensive groundwater model to assess the effects of the largest groundwater banking
project in the world. Mr. Taylor developed a conceptual model of the project area utilizing all
existing sources of geologic, hydrogeologic, and hydraulic data, assisted in the development
of a comprehensive water balance detailing the inflow and outflow to the project area, and
construction of a complex transient three dimensional groundwater flow model of the
system. The water balance included calculation of agricultural, municipal, industrial, and
groundwater banking activities. The transient numerical model covers a time period of over
20 years and has been calibrated to closely simulate groundwater conditions in the Kern River
Fan area through variable historical hydrologic conditions. The calibrated model has been
thoroughly reviewed and is now being used to simulate groundwater conditions without local
groundwater recharge and banking project contributions. The ultimate goal is to produce a
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Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 200 of 208