Page 73 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District, Complete Recycled Water Facilities
Planning Study for a Satellite Water Resource Recovery Facility, Grover Beach, CA.
Staff Engineer. South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District’s (SSLOCSD) current
wastewater treatment plant does not meet redundancy requirements, therefore SSLOCSD is
looking into the opportunity in adding an additional treatment plant and using the effluent as
reuse. Prepared potential alternatives and cost estimates for an investment analysis which
will be included in the Recycled Water Facilities Planning Study.
City of Pismo Beach, Recycled Water Facilities Planning Study, Pismo Beach, CA.
Staff Engineer. Prepared a facilities planning study, funded in part by a planning grant
from the California State Water Resources Control Board Water Recycling Funding
Program. Investigated multiple alternatives to put the City’s treated wastewater, which is
currently discharged to the ocean, to beneficial use, including 1) landscape irrigation within
the City to offset potable water use, 2) coastal injection wells to protect the basin from
seawater intrusion and 3) inland recharge using existing storm water basins or new inland
injection wells to optimize seasonal groundwater recharge. Evaluated regulatory, water
supply and stakeholder considerations affecting the development of a recycled water
program. Identified and evaluated treatment and conveyance alternatives, including
repurposing abandoned facilities and maximizing the use of existing facilities to develop a
cost-effective recycled water program.
Otay Water District, As-Needed Hydraulic Modeling, Otay, CA. Project Engineer.
Providing as-needed hydraulic modeling services for the District’s potable water modeled
using InfoWater. Performing fire flow analysis for potential new developments, the fire flow
results were maintained in a database to provide more consistent results and save time.
City of Victorville, On-Call Water Modeling, Victorville, CA. Staff Engineer. Updated
the City’s GIS based InfoWater water model to include new projects since 2009 and current
operations. Calibrating the Southern California Logistics Airport portion of the model and
performing a high level review of the model. Provide on-call modeling analysis to help the
City make informed decisions regarding potential changes to the system. Preparing
Feasibility Studies and Water Supply Assessments as needed to support the City’s review
and conditioning of proposed development projects.
Big Bear Lake Department of Water and Power, Sawmill Well Pumping Plant, Big
Bear Lake, CA. Engineering Support. Provided design services for a 350 gpm well
pumping plant, which includes site improvements and a CMU building. Project included the
design of over 600-ft of 6-inch PVC pipeline to connect the new well to the existing
distribution system. Following the design phase, WSC provided construction management
services during well construction.
California American Water Company, Carmel River Reroute and San Clemente Dam
Removal Project, Carmel Valley, CA. Staff Engineer. Project includes rerouting the
Carmel River and removing the San Clemente Dam, which when completed will be the
largest dam removal project completed in California. Provides document control and
coordinates internal and external responses to Submittals and RFI’s.
City of Camarillo, Project Management Support, Camarillo, CA. Staff Engineer.
Providing project management support for implementation of recycled water projects.
Preparing drawings for recycled water connections to irrigate City landscape, a recreational
sports park and an elementary school. Developed recycled water pipeline and valve
configurations to potable water backup connections for the recycled water system.
Kaylie N. Ashton - Page 2
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 72 of 208