Page 71 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Kendall Stahl, MS, EIT

                                  Professional Experience
        Education                 Ms. Stahl is an Engineer-in-Training with environmental engineering specializing in
        MS, Civil and Environmental
        Engineering, University of   hydrology and hydraulics analysis and water resources planning. She has experience in water
        Adelaide                  quality assessment and groundwater contamination analysis, designing water treatment
        BS, Environmental Engineering,   systems, water resources engineering, and flood modeling. Her graduate studies focused on
        California Polytechnic State   water security analysis, water demand management optimization, with an emphasis on
        University, San Luis Obispo   characterizing the drivers of household water demand.
        AA, Mathematics – Physics,
        Allan Hancock College
                                  Representative Projects
        Professional Registrations   City of Arroyo Grande, GSA Formation, Arroyo Grande, CA. Staff Engineer.  Support
        Engineer in Training, No.   the City in preparing a Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) formation notification for
        1560998                   the California Department of Water Resources for the intent to undertake sustainable
                                  groundwater management in accordance with the Sustainable Groundwater Management
                                  Act. The GSA formation notification included the preparation of boundary maps,
                                  stakeholder lists, and support coordination with adjacent local agencies forming a GSA.
                                  Avila Beach Community Services District, Water Resources Analysis Technical
                                  Memorandum, Avila Beach, CA. Staff Engineer.  Prepare draft technical memorandum
                                  for the Avila Beach Community Services District. Evaluation and assembly of water
                                  resource reliability data, supply and demand characterization, and conditional dry and
                                  average supply and demand comparison information.

                                  Multiple Agencies, Central Coast Blue, Pismo Beach, CA. Engineering Support.
                                  Providing Program Management, Preliminary Design, Funding, and Environmental
                                  Document Support services for the Indirect Potable Reuse project that will recover
                                  secondary effluent from the City of Pismo Beach and the South San Luis Obispo County
                                  Sanitation District’s wastewater treatment plants, a resource currently discharged to the
                                  Pacific Ocean. The advanced treatment facility will use microfiltration or ultrafiltration,
                                  reverse osmosis, and ultraviolet radiation and advanced oxidation process before being
                                  injected into the Santa Maria Groundwater Basin to supplement groundwater supplies and
                                  protect the basin from seawater intrusion. Construction is expected to begin in 2019.
                                  Northern Cities, Engineering Services.  Project Engineer. Provided as-needed
                                  engineering services for the City of Arroyo Grande, City of Grover Beach, City of Pismo
                                  Beach, and the Oceano Community Services District.  Coordinated monthly meetings of the
                                  Northern Cities Management Area Technical Group.  Interfaced with local and statewide
                                  regulatory agencies as an authorized agent of the Northern Cities. Tasks include preparing
                                  monthly agendas, updating the monthly groundwater production report and database,
                                  reviewing their Annual Report, developing a comparison summary of Annual Reports from
                                  the NCMA and NMMA, drafting a Case Management Conference Statement, preparing GIS
                                  exhibits and excel graphics for the NCMA Case Management Conference.
                                  City of Pismo Beach, 2015 Water Master Plan Update, Pismo Beach, CA. Staff
                                  Engineer. Performing an update of the City of Pismo Beach 2004 Water Master Plan.
                                  Utilized the calibrated hydraulic model of the City’s water distribution system using
                                  Bentley’s WaterGEMS software to produced fire flow visuals for future buildout scenarios
                                  and opportunities to optimize operations.

                              Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 70 of 208
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