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Northern Cities Management Area, Local Groundwater Assistance Grant Program
Application Package, San Luis Obispo County, CA. Staff Planner. Lead author for the
grant application to develop a groundwater model for a portion of the Santa Maria Valley
Groundwater Basin. Facilitated stakeholder workshops to enhance inter-agency collaboration
to develop a competitive grant application meeting all stakeholders’ goals and objectives.
San Luis Obispo County Flood Control & Water Conservation District, Paso Basin
Supplemental Water Supply Options Study, San Luis Obispo County, CA. Staff
Planner. Identified and analyzed existing and potential State Water Project supply options
to allow the Paso Robles Basin to achieve a balanced groundwater elevation. Supported
analysis of the supply options’ operational, jurisdictional and contractual limitations,
provided an overview of the options evaluation screening process, and identified the supply
options selected for further evaluation.
City of Pismo Beach, Recycled Water Facilities Planning Study, Pismo Beach, CA.
Staff Planner. Prepared a facilities planning study, funded in part by a planning grant from
the SWRCB Water Recycling Funding Program. Investigated multiple alternatives to put
the City’s treated wastewater, which is currently discharged to the ocean, to beneficial use,
including 1) landscape irrigation within the City to offset potable water use, 2) coastal
injection wells to protect the basin from seawater intrusion, and 3) inland recharge using
existing storm water basins or new inland injection wells to optimize seasonal groundwater
recharge. Evaluated regulatory, water supply, and stakeholder considerations affecting the
development of a recycled water program. Identified and evaluated treatment and
conveyance alternatives, including repurposing abandoned facilities and maximizing the use
of existing facilities to develop a cost-effective recycled water program.
West Valley Water District, Recycled Water Master Plan, Rialto, CA. Staff Planner.
Lead author for the Recycled Water Master Plan. Facilitated stakeholder workshops to
establish goals and objectives for the recycled water program. Facilitated outreach to
potential stakeholders for jurisdictional analysis and cooperation, as well as to develop
partnerships. Developed demand analysis of potential recycled water markets and customers
in the Ditrict’s current and future service areas. Analyzed jurisdictional and regulatory
context for implementation of a recycled water program. Analyzed potential recycled water
supply sources and facilitated outreach and workshops with potential recycled water source
suppliers and partners. Analyzed conceptual alternatives to deliver recycled water in
partnership with the County of San Bernardino Special Districts Department.
Avila Beach Community Services District, Water Resources Analysis, Avila Beach, CA.
Project Manager. Prepare draft technical memorandum for the District. Evaluation and
assembly of water resource reliability data, supply and demand characterization, and
conditional dry and average supply and demand comparison information.
Big Bear Area Regional Water Agency, Bear Valley Water Sustainability Project, Big
Bear, CA. Staff Planner. Evaluating conceptual recycled water use alternatives to retain
treated water and create a sustainable water resource to augment the potable water supply.
Alternatives will be analyzed based on treatment and regulatory requirements of use, water
supply yield, social and environmental benefits, and life cycle cost. Project includes assisting
in the procurement of state and federal funding.
Santa Barbara County Water Agency, Long Term Supplemental Water Supply
Alternatives Report. Staff Planner. Identified and evaluated potential supplemental
surface water supply alternatives for the Santa Barbara County Water Agency. Investigated
potential opportunities to increase surface water storage through expansion of existing dams
or construction of new reservoirs. Utilized GIS software to develop reservoir inundation
mapping and estimate capacities of various potential reservoir expansion alternatives.
Spencer J. Waterman - Page 2
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 65 of 208