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California Water and Environment Association, One Water Workshop at CWEA’s
2017 Conference. Palm Springs, CA. Facilitator. Led and organized a Panel discussion
followed by an interactive table discussion to expand understanding of One Water as part of
the 2017 annual conference program. Provided direction on the event, coordinated content of
all supporting material, helped to facilitate workshop, and provided hands-on training for all
lead participants.
Integrated Water Management Brief, Kitsap County, Washington. Technical Writer /
Outreach Coach. Guided concepts around communication to elected officials and public
stakeholders on a new integrated water management approach in Kitsap County. The brief
uses creative graphics and messaging that covers new ways the County is approaching water
management to promote resilient and reliable water supplies, how a new reclaimed water
facility is contributing to water supply goals, and how other near-term investments are
providing an array of integrated water management options in the future.
Integrated Process Management for Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment
Operations Research Roadmap, Water Resource Federation. Technical Writer.
Developed succinct summary to inform and educate on possibilities for integrated
water/wastewater management, one water solutions, for utilities across the U.S. The
summary highlighted in-depth research and survey results that included numerous utilities
and nearly 40 experts representing key water stakeholders. The information presents
challenges and opportunities to effectively implement integrated water management
solutions, providing a roadmap sustainable water supply and water quality for the future.
Texas Legislative Water Outreach Workshop. Lead Developer. Led the creation of an
annual legislative workshop for Texas representatives and staff. The workshop supported
education on critical statewide water related issues, including reuse, funding, and water
quality. Organized presentations by local as well as national experts to address critical
topics. Worked in collaboration with Executive Director of WEAT to create outreach,
invites, brand, and interest in the event. The full-day workshop that drew more than 100
attendees in the first year.
Membership Outreach & Communications Taskforce – Website Update, Association of
Clean Water Agencies, Taskforce Leader. Leading the evaluation and direction of a new
website which addresses improved membership data management and communications
technology. Leveraging volunteer committee member time, limited funds and Board
Member interaction to achieve ACWA’s goals in building a user-friendly website.
Chambers Creek Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Public Outreach Brief.
Technical Writer / Outreach Coach. Conducted independent research, developed original
content, and brainstormed conceptual graphics for a 40-page brief summarizing the benefits
of a notable wastewater treatment plant upgrade. Four chapters of concise copy and visuals
summarize how the project balances environmental, economic, and regulatory goals to
benefit the community for decades. The plant is located adjacent to the new Chambers Bay
Golf Course―host of the 2015 USGA U.S. Open―and the brief is designed to educate the
thousands of expected visitors about how the project maximizes a public works investment
by reclaiming prized recreational land, supporting local economic growth, and cost-
effectively complying with regulations through 2040.
West Linn Water Treatment Plant and Pipelines Conditional Use Permit Applications
Benefits Summary. Technical Writer / Outreach Support. Supported efforts to
communicate the benefits of investing in the Bolton Reservoir upgrade. Developed
presentation material and briefing for West Linn City Council.
Holly Tichenor - Page 2
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 61 of 208