Page 57 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 57
Nathan Reynolds, PG
Years of Experience: 13
Years with GEOSCIENCE: 13
BS, Geology, University of California, Riverside
Professional Registrations:
California Professional Geologist (No. 9384)
What Nathan Brings to the Project:
• Experience with groundwater monitoring, studies, and data management—help collect, store, and verify
data to develop groundwater models and studies that accurately reflect basin conditions
Nathan has 13 years of experience completing hydrogeologic investigations, ground water quality
studies, artificial recharge projects, water well test drilling programs, and inspection for a variety of
drilling projects. He also develops and maintains project data and data management systems for large
well, and groundwater study projects. His experience will provide the GSA with a thorough and accurate
data management system to track basin conditions and complete the GSP.
Selected Project Experience:
San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District: Bunker Hill Basin Conjunctive Use Project - Nathan
help evaluate extraction well and spreading ground locations for the Bunker Hill conjunctive use project.
He helped determine locations, potential well capacities, and updated modeling assumptions for
baseline conditions.
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District: Hydrogeologic Study of the Warm Springs Groundwater
Basin - Nathan helped develop a HSPF model based upon the available precipitation data, land use, and
soil types. Our team then calibrated the HSPF model with adjacent or nearby streamflow gages and
quantify the Warm Springs Basin groundwater storage capacity and safe yield.
Mojave Water Agency: Salt and Nutrient Loading Model - Nathan helped develop a salt and nutrient
balance model using a system dynamic approach to support the Salt and Nutrient Management Plan
(SNMP) for the agency.
California American Water: Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project - The Monterey Peninsula Water
Supply Project (MPWSP) is a multifaceted project to improve water supply and reliability to the
Monterey Peninsula. Nathan is providing weekly and quarterly monitoring and water quality testing for
the slant wells that feed into the desalination plant. Drilled at an angle, the well pull ocean water from
beneath the ocean floor, protecting ocean wildlife and improving feed water quality.
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 56 of 208