Page 56 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Santa Barbara County Water Agency, Long Term Supplemental Water Supply
Alternatives Report. Project Engineer. Identified and evaluated potential supplemental
surface water supply alternatives for the Santa Barbara County Water Agency (SBCWA).
Analyzed historical State Water Project (SWP) deliveries through the Coastal Branch
pipeline to identify estimates of available capacity and underutilized SWP supplies.
Investigated potential opportunities to increase surface water storage through expansion of
existing dams or construction of new reservoirs. Evaluated sediment removal alternatives
for existing reservoirs to increase capacity and yield. Developed planning level cost
estimates for proposed supplemental water supply alternatives. Participated in inter-
regional, regional, and intra-regional stakeholder meetings to identify, discuss, review, and
receive feedback on potential supplemental water supply alternatives.
South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District, Satellite Water Resource Recovery
Facility & Groundwater Recharge Planning Study. Project Manager. Evaluated the
development of a Satellite Wastewater Resource Recovery Facility to allow the District to
recover a water resource and put it to beneficial use in a groundwater basin threatened by
seawater intrusion. This study provided recycled water to offset potable demands. It
provided new upstream treatment capacity and increased redundancy. Prepared a grant
application to the SWRCB to cover 50% of the cost of the study, which focused on
economic feasibility compared to other supplemental water supply alternatives. The
alternatives evaluated included: 1) landscape irrigation; 2) agricultural irrigation; and/or 3)
groundwater recharge through surface recharge and/or irrigation wells.
City of Redwood City Recycled Water Implementation Planning. Project Engineer.
Oversaw the water quality monitoring for Redwood City’s recycled water system.
Performed bench scale testing to predict distribution system disinfection residual
concentrations. Developed a recycled water demand schedule using existing water usage
data and used it to analyze distribution system residence times based on water quality.
Created a budget for all recycled water quality monitoring and for the operation of the
recycled water storage facilities and pumping station.
Alameda County Water District, GIS Upgrade of Water Quality Mapping Tools.
Project Engineer. Performed a complete upgrade of Alameda County Water District’s GIS
water quality mapping tools. Converted all program files from MapInfo 6.5 to ArcGIS 8.2
to improve efficiency and quality of the visual data presentation.
City of Redwood City, Water Quality Sampling and Management Program. Project
Engineer. Managed all water quality operations for the City of Redwood City’s drinking
water system. Developed and implemented sampling plans, ensured regulatory compliance,
created and submitted all California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulatory reports. Developed a water quality
database to create a more efficient system for data tracking and analysis.
City of Redwood City, Bacteriological Sample Siting Plan Update. Project Engineer.
Prepared, submitted, and obtained California Department of Public Health (CDPH) approval
for Redwood City’s 2008 Bacteriological Sample Siting Plan. Updated all bacteriological
sampling locations, including upstream and downstream locations. Compiled a
comprehensive coliform monitoring document for use in ensuring compliance with all of
CDPH’s bacteriological water quality regulations.
Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA), Chair of the Water
Quality Committee. Project Engineer. Member of and held the position of chair of the
BAWSCA Water Quality Committee from July 2005 through December 2008. Coordinated
all Water Quality Committee meetings for the 26 water utilities that receive water from the
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.
Daniel Eric Heimel, PE, MS - Page 2
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 55 of 208