Page 55 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 55
Daniel Eric Heimel, MS, PE
Professional Experience
Mr. Heimel has 15 years of engineering and operations experience in the water and
MS, Civil and Environmental wastewater industry. He has worked for two public water utilities in an operations capacity,
Engineering, Cal Poly San Luis making him knowledgeable of the day-to-day operations that keep water supply, water
Obispo treatment, and water distribution facilities functioning. His experience includes project and
BS, Environmental Science, program management, hydraulic modeling, GIS implementation, water quality and drinking
California State University Chico water utility regulatory compliance, sampling plan development and implementation,
recycled water implementation, pilot studies, water quality and water supply watershed
Professional Registrations monitoring, groundwater recharge facility operations, and water quality data analysis.
Professional Engineer – Civil,
California, No. C80762 Representative Projects
Multiple Agencies, Central Coast Blue, Pismo Beach, CA. Program Manager. Providing
Operator Certifications
SWRCB Registered D4 Operator Program Management, Preliminary Design, Funding, and Environmental Document Support
#28472 services for a Indirect Potable Reuse project that will recover secondary effluent from the
SWRCB Registered T2 Operator Pismo Beach and the South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District’s wastewater
#26014 treatment plants, a resource currently discharged to the Pacific Ocean. The advanced
treatment facility will use microfiltration or ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, and ultraviolet
Professional Affiliations radiation and advanced oxidation process before injection into the Santa Maria Groundwater
American Water Works Basin to supplement groundwater supplies and protect the basin from seawater intrusion.
Association, Member
Air & Waste Management San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Paso Basin
Association, Member Supply Options Study, Project Engineer. Identified potential supply options for the Paso
Robles Groundwater Basin that could be delivered using existing State Water Project (SWP)
infrastructure. Developed updated buy-in cost estimates for purchasing additional capacity
within the Coastal Branch pipeline. Identified capacity limitations for each section of the
Coastal Branch pipeline and quantified unutilized capacity, based on analysis of historical
delivery data. Completed a fatal flaw analysis to identify SWP supply options for further
evaluation (i.e. rough screening). Further developed the identified SWP supply options and
compared them against potential recycled water and Nacimiento supply options to identify
preferred supplemental water supply options for the Paso Basin.
Northern Cities Management Area, Groundwater Management Services, Central
Coast, CA. Project Manager. Prepared a water supply, production and delivery plan for
Northern Cities Management Area agencies, which is comprised of the City of Arroyo
Grande, City of Grover Beach, City of Pismo Beach and Oceano Community Services
District. Developed spreadsheet model to identify the most reliable scenario for potable
water supply and delivery while considering implications of contractual surface water
allocations and declining groundwater basin yields. Evaluated intertie pipeline capacity
between two separate potable water distribution systems using a merged hydraulic model of
the two systems. Developed shared cost structure for implementation, operation and
maintenance of the intertie pipeline.
Alameda County Water District, Groundwater Recharge Facilities Operations and
Maintenance Management. Project Engineer. Developed groundwater recharge
monitoring database to track all operations of the Alameda Creek diversion facilities and
groundwater recharge ponds. Directed maintenance of meters and valves at the groundwater
recharge facilities. Compiled data and created regulatory reports related to the groundwater
recharge operations. Oversaw watershed water quality monitoring and used GIS to spatially
analyze water quality data.
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 54 of 208