Page 50 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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City of Pismo Beach/WSC Inc.: Central Coast Blue - Central Coast Blue is a regional recycled water
               project that will help reduce the risk of seawater intrusion and help improve sustainability for the
               region’s water supply. Johnson is leading efforts to evaluate existing characterization studies,
               groundwater models, and water quality data. He is also constructing and calibrating an expanded
               groundwater model to evaluate injection and extracting scenarios, and conduct an anti-degradation

               California American Water, Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project (MPWSP) - Johnson led efforts
               to update a three-dimensional variable density flow and solute transport model for the North Marina
               Area in 2008 and constructed a focused groundwater model near the CEMEX gravel plant in Marina, CA.
               Johnson helped revise and update the Salinas Valley Integrated Surface Water and Ground Water Model
               (SVIGSM) which are currently being used to evaluate local and regional impacts on groundwater levels
               and quality from MPSWP operations.
               Western Municipal Water District: Impact of Recharge on Contaminant Plumes and Modeling -
               Johnson was the project manager and lead ground water modeler to assess and model the area around
               the Riverside-Corona Feeder, to show the potential future impact of an initial operation scenario on the
               ground water levels and ground water quality in the San Bernardino Basin Area.
               Jurupa Community Services District: Chino Basin Artificial Recharge Evaluation - Johnson led modeling
               efforts to modify a previously established groundwater flow model of the Chino Basin to incorporate
               solute transport and assess the impact of artificial recharge operations planned by the Chino Basin
               Watermaster on Nitrate and TDS concentrations in the southern Chino Basin.

               Rancho California Water District: Surface and Ground Water Model of the Murrieta-Temecula Ground
               Water Basin - Johnson was the lead modeler to create an Integrated Ground Water and Streamflow
               Model of RCWD. Johnson worked with a technical panel that included, RCWD, USGS, U.S. Marines, Camp
               Pendleton, Stetson Engineers, Santa Margarita Watermaster, and GEOSCIENCE. The technical was
               formed to avoid litigation between RCWD and the Camp Pendleton Marine Base. Johnson is responsible
               for preparation of the model and analysis of the results.

               Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority: Chino Desalter System Projects - Johnson developed a
               detailed analysis of the Chino Ground Water Basin that included a three-dimensional numerical ground
               water flow model (MODFLOW). A separate analysis was also conducted to assess potential water quality
               changes in project and existing wells as a result of the project.

               San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District: Remediation Strategies for Ground Water
               Contamination - Johnson was the project manager and lead ground water modeler to refine previous
               USGS models to better understand, analyze, and evaluate remediation alternatives related to ground
               water contamination problems.

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