Page 46 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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City of Riverside Public Utilities Department, Recycled Water Facilities Plan,
Riverside, CA. Task Lead. Developed a recycled water facilities plan. Developed a
rational, cost-effective program of recycled water supply for integration with the city's
existing potable and agricultural water supplies. Developed a database of potential use sites
for conversion to recycled water and a hydraulic model of the proposed distribution system
using H2OMap Water.
Walnut Valley Water District, Walnut Valley and Rowland Water Districts' Regional
Water Supply Plan, Walnut, CA. Project Engineer. Worked with the Walnut Valley
Water District and three related agencies on a water supply evaluation. The four agencies
operate a jointly-owned pipeline that runs parallel to the Orange County Feeder. The study
evaluated the use of local groundwater wells and water quality blending in the pipeline to
provide a new source of supply that would reduce dependency on imported water.
City of Broomfield, Water Budget Analysis Tool, Broomfield, CO. QC Review.
Assisted with development of a custom computer software program called the Broomfield
Water Supply and Conveyance Tool that enables city staff to quickly change supply,
conveyance, and demand inputs to emulate system operation during various operational and
seasonal scenarios.
Baldy Mesa Water District, Water Supply Plan, Victorville, CA. Project Manager.
Prepared a water supply plan to address the high arsenic levels in the district's groundwater
wells, which included evaluation of combinations of groundwater treatment and new surface
water supply that could help the district meet future demands and the new federal arsenic
limit of 10 ppb.
County of San Luis Obispo, Energy Watch – Facility Inventory and Database Project,
San Luis Obispo, CA. Project Manager. Developed an interim data management system
that will allow the County to assemble the comprehensive facility inventory. Phase 1 of the
project focused on coordination with energy utilities and County departments on data
sources, data collection and validation for a specified set of pilot facilities, and development
of an interim data management system, an MS Access database. Phase 2 of the project is
focused on expanding the number of facilities in the database, including facilities not
currently tracked in Utility Manager, creating custom uploads that integrate with Energy Star
Portfolio Manager, and training for County staff.
City of Farrell, Infiltration and Inflow Study, Farrell, PA. Field Engineer. Performed
an infiltration and inflow study of the city's municipal sewer system. Project including flow
monitoring, manhole inspections, and smoke and dye testing. Worked on a survey crew
conducting sewer layouts, wetland delineation, topographic mapping, and as built surveys.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntsville District, Comprehensive Energy and Water
Master Plans, Huntsville, AL. Project Engineer. Assisted with development of
comprehensive energy and water master plans for six installations on behalf of the
Installation Management Command (IMCOM) and the U.S. Army Engineering and Support
Center in Huntsville. Developed sustainable return on investment (SROI) and other
assessment tools to help select appropriate measures. Prepared profiles of existing water use
and strategies for achieving water conservation goals established by federal executive orders.
Calaveras County Water District, Water Supply Feasibility Study, San Andreas, CA.
Project Engineer. Provided quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) for study that
evaluated the feasibility of improvement projects identified in the master plan. The
feasibility report summarized recommendations for water system improvements and
evaluated multiple projects, including a lake embankment replacement, intake facilities, and
water storage and conveyance infrastructure.
Jeroen Olthof, PE, MS, MBA - Page 2
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 45 of 208