Page 44 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, 2015 Regional Urban Water
                                  Management Plan, San Bernardino, CA . Principal in Charge.  Being developed with the
                                  participation of the following agencies: SBVMWD, East Valley Water District, Riverside-
                                  Highland Water Company, West Valley Water District, Yucaipa Valley Water District, the
                                  City of San Bernardino Municipal Water District, and the Cities of Colton, Loma Linda,
                                  Redlands, and Rialto.  Collaborating and collecting data from the agencies listed above to
                                  update water supply and demand projections through 2035 based on changes since the 2010
                                  UWMP and compliance with SB-7.  New requirements will be addressed, such as
                                  distribution system losses reporting as part of demand and digital submittal through DWR’s
                                  new templates and online submittal database.  Voluntary analysis of energy intensity in
                                  water deliveries and climate change impacts will also be completed during the update.

                                  City of Pismo Beach, Recycled Water Facilities Planning Study, Pismo Beach, CA.
                                  Principal in Charge.  Prepared a facilities planning study, funded in part by a planning
                                  grant from the California State Water Resources Control Board Water Recycling Funding
                                  Program.  Investigated multiple alternatives to put the City’s treated wastewater, which is
                                  currently discharged to the ocean, to beneficial use, including 1) landscape irrigation within
                                  the City to offset potable water use, 2) coastal injection wells to protect the basin from
                                  seawater intrusion and 3) inland recharge using existing storm water basins or new inland
                                  injection wells to optimize seasonal groundwater recharge.  Evaluated regulatory, water
                                  supply and stakeholder considerations affecting the development of a recycled water
                                  program.  Identified and evaluated treatment and conveyance alternatives, including
                                  repurposing abandoned facilities and maximizing the use of existing facilities to develop a
                                  cost-effective recycled water program.
                                  Santa Barbara County Water Agency, Long Term Supplemental Water Supply
                                  Alternatives Report.  Principal in Charge.   Identified and evaluated potential
                                  supplemental surface water supply alternatives for the Santa Barbara County Water Agency.
                                  Analyzed historical State Water Project (SWP) deliveries through the Coastal Branch
                                  pipeline to identify estimates of available capacity and underutilized SWP supplies.
                                  Investigated potential opportunities to increase surface water storage through expansion of
                                  existing dams or construction of new reservoirs.  Evaluated sediment removal alternatives
                                  for existing reservoirs to increase capacity and yield.  Developed planning level cost
                                  estimates for proposed supplemental water supply alternatives.  Participated in inter-
                                  regional, regional and intra-regional stakeholder meetings to identify, discuss, review and
                                  receive feedback on potential supplemental water supply alternatives.
                                  Big Bear Area Regional Water Agency, Bear Valley Water Sustainability Project, Big
                                  Bear, CA. Principal in Charge. Evaluating conceptual recycled water use alternatives to
                                  retain treated water and create a sustainable water resource to augment the potable water
                                  supply. Alternatives will be analyzed based on treatment and regulatory requirements of use,
                                  water supply yield, social and environmental benefits, and life cycle cost. Project includes
                                  assisting in the procurement of state and federal funding.
                                  Yucaipa Valley Water District, Yucaipa Valley Regional Water Filtration Facility
                                  Design and Construction, Yucaipa, CA. Design Manager. Completed design and bidding
                                  assistance for a new 12 mgd microfiltration and nanofiltration facility. Design included
                                  influent flow control, microfiltration using Pall membranes, nanofiltration and blending
                                  facilities for DBP precursor removal, dissolved air floatation treatment for MF backwash,
                                  disinfection using sodium hypochlorite, 7-million gallon prestressed concrete reservoir for
                                  finished water storage, 1000 feet of 48” diameter finished water piping including 600’ of 66-
                                  inch jack-and-bore tunnel, security features, and slope protection for the adjacent flood
                                  control channel.

                                  Jeffery Mitchell Szytel, PE, MBA - Page 2
                              Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 43 of 208
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