Page 43 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Jeffery Mitchell Szytel, MS, MBA, PE

                                  Professional Experience
        MBA, UCLA Anderson School of   Mr. Szytel has more than 20 years of experience in civil and environmental engineering
        Management                specializing in water, wastewater and recycled water systems.  His experience includes
        MS, Civil Engineering, University   project and program management, construction management, capital improvement planning,
        of California Los Angeles   water and wastewater treatment facility evaluation, optimization and design, hydraulic
        BS, Civil and Environmental   analysis, pilot studies, water and wastewater master planning, integrated resource planning,
        Engineering, University of   water and sewer infrastructure planning and design and management consulting.
        California Davis
                                  Representative Projects
        Professional Registrations   San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, Regional Recycled Water Concept
        Professional Engineer - Civil,   Study & Grant Application, San Bernardino, CA.  Principal in Charge.  Collaborating
        California, No. C63004
                                  with nine local water and wastewater agencies to identify potential regional recycled water
                                  projects to improve local water supply reliability and sustainability.  Applying a triple
        Professional Affiliations
        American Water Works      bottom line scoring process to evaluate alternatives on the basis of economic, social and
        Association, Member       environmental criteria.  The process is being integrated with the ongoing Upper Santa Ana
        American Public Works     River Habitat Conservation Plan, which is critical to achieving local habitat sustainability
        Association, Member       and permitting regional recycled water projects.  The project is being completed under an
        American Society of Civil   aggressive schedule to advance the most beneficial regional projects into funding and
        Engineers, Member         implementation as soon as possible.
        Association of California Water   San Luis Obispo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Paso Basin
        Agencies, Committee Member   Supply Options Study, Principal in Charge.  Identified potential supply options for the
        Association of Clean Water   Paso Robles Groundwater Basin that could be delivered using existing State Water Project
        Administrators            (SWP) infrastructure.  Developed updated buy-in cost estimates for purchasing additional
        California Water Environment   capacity within the Coastal Branch pipeline.  Identified capacity limitations for each section
        Association               of the Coastal Branch pipeline and quantified unutilized capacity, based on analysis of
        Water Environment Federation   historical delivery data.   Completed a fatal flaw analysis to identify SWP supply options for
        WateReuse                 further evaluation (i.e. rough screening).  Further developed the identified SWP supply
        Dale Carnegie Training    options and compared them against potential recycled water and Nacimiento supply options
        Toastmasters International   to identify preferred supplemental water supply options for the Paso Basin.
                                  Northern Cities Management Area Technical Group, Regional Groundwater
        Supply from the Sea: Exploring   Management Services, Central Coast, CA.  Principal in Charge. Prepared a water
        Ocean Desalination.  Journal   supply, production and delivery plan for the City of Arroyo Grande, City of Grover Beach,
        AWWA, February 2005, 97:2   City of Pismo Beach and Oceano Community Services District. Developed spreadsheet
        The Business of Water.    model to identify the most reliable scenario for potable water supply and delivery while
        Contributing Author for Supply   considering implications of contractual surface water allocations and declining groundwater
        from the Sea: Exploring Ocean   basin yields.  Evaluated intertie pipeline capacity between two separate potable water
        Desalination.  AWWA.  March,
        2008.                     distribution systems using a merged hydraulic model of the two systems.  Developed shared
                                  cost structure for implementation, operation and maintenance of the intertie pipeline.
                                  Multiple Agencies, Central Coast Blue, Pismo Beach, CA. Principal in
                                  Charge. Providing program management and design engineering services for the
                                  development of an Indirect Potable Reuse (IPR) project to recharge the Santa Maria
                                  Groundwater Basin. The RGSP will provide additional treatment of the water,
                                  including micro/ultra-filtration, reverse osmosis and advanced oxidation, and injection of the
                                  advanced purified water into the groundwater basin to maintain groundwater levels and
                                  prevent seawater intrusion. Project is being funded by approximately $30 million in regional,
                                  state, and federal funding initiatives.

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