Page 47 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 47

Brian Villalobos, PG, CHG, CEG

               Years of Experience: 28
               Years with GEOSCIENCE: 9
               BS, Geology, California State University, Los Angeles
               Professional Registrations:
               California Professional Geologist (No. 4153)
               Certified California Hydrogeologist (No. 794)
               California Certified Engineering Geologist (No. 1298)

               What Brian Brings to the Project:

                   •   Brian has worked heavily in refining hydrogeologic conceptual models and is well acquainted with
                       sustainability strategies and studies—augment and partner with GSA member staff to develop
                       comprehensive GSP components efficiently and cost-effectively
                   •   28+ years of sustainable groundwater resource studies and reports—work with you to efficiently complete
                       thorough and defensible GSP components
                   •   Specializes in groundwater recharge and water reuse—identify options to improve basin sustainability
               Brian has more than 28 years of professional experience in geohydrology and environmental geology
               throughout the Southern California region. His specific areas of expertise are in hydrogeologic
               investigations to support groundwater sustainability and determine safe yield, water budgets, indirect
               potable reuse and groundwater recharge. He has studied and modeled Groundwater Basins across the
               State and has led efforts to develop studies and reports that are required to complete a GSP, including,
               monitoring well networks, sustainable yield, water budgets and more. He currently several cities and
               water districts to sustainably manage their groundwater resources, including the city of Oceanside,
               Olivenhain Municipal Water District, Rancho California Water District, Elsinore Valley Municipal Water
               District, San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, and others.

               Selected Project Experience
               San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District and Partners: Determination of the Usable Capacity
               and Safe Yield for each Sub-basin within the Yucaipa Basin Area - Brian led efforts to reevaluate sub-
               basin boundaries in the Yucaipa Groundwater Basin to assess the “safe yield” and storage capacity of
               each sub-basin. He developed a watershed model of the Yucaipa Valley to determine water balance
               terms previously not calculated. The “safe yield’ was calculated using three separate methods to
               validate values and compared to historical calculations performed by other parties.
               Olivenhain Municipal Water District: Groundwater Supply and Brine Management Program - To
               reduce independence on imported water, Brian is leading our team’s efforts to determine the safe yield
               and increment water available in the San Dieguito basin; and determine locations for well fields,
               treatment facilities, pipelines, and brine discharge facilities. Currently our team is collection data,
               completing a hydrological investigation and updating the current groundwater model. We are also
               developing preliminary well designs, recommending brine management activities, supporting
               community outreach, and completing desk-top environmental reviews.

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