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Jeroen Olthof, MS, MBA, PE
Professional Experience
Education Mr. Olthof brings more than 25 years of experience in planning, design, and management of
MBA, USC water and recycled water systems. He specializes in hydraulic modeling of pipe networks,
MS, Civil Engineering, University feasibility studies, infrastructure condition assessment, and comprehensive master planning.
of Washington His experience includes database development and integration of geographic information
BS, Civil Engineering, University systems (GIS) with hydraulic models, recycled water customer databases, and asset
of Colorado Boulder databases. He has developed and maintained custom databases to track recycled water
customers and generate reports for regulatory agencies and other stakeholders. He has also
Professional Registrations developed condition assessment programs and decision algorithms to support capital
Professional Engineer- Civil, improvement planning and maintenance optimization. He has published several technical
California, No. C58597
papers on hydraulic modeling and infrastructure condition assessment.
Articles Representative Projects
San Diego’s Recipe for Overflow
Reduction, Public Works, June, San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, Regional Recycled Water Concept
2004. Study & Grant Application, San Bernardino, CA. Senior Engineer. Collaborating with
Capacity Assurance Sets Stage nine local water and wastewater agencies to identify potential regional recycled water
for CMOM Success, projects to improve local water supply reliability and sustainability. Applying a triple
Waterscapes, Vol. 13, No. 2, bottom line scoring process to evaluate alternatives on the basis of economic, social and
May, 2002
environmental criteria. The process is being integrated with the ongoing Upper Santa Ana
River Habitat Conservation Plan, which is critical to achieving local habitat sustainability
Management of Sewers in and permitting regional recycled water projects. The project is being completed under an
Environmentally Sensitive Areas, aggressive schedule to advance the most beneficial regional projects into funding and
ASCE Pipelines Conference, implementation as soon as possible.
San Diego, CA 2004
Lessons Learned in San Diego’s San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water Distrct, 2015 Regional Urban Water
Collection System Assessment Management Plan, San Bernardino, CA . Project Manager. Being developed with the
Program, Water Environment participation of the following agencies: SBVMWD, East Valley Water District, Riverside-
Federation (WEF) Collection Highland Water Company, West Valley Water District, Yucaipa Valley Water District, the
Systems Conference, Austin, City of San Bernardino Municipal Water District, and the Cities of Colton, Loma Linda,
TX, June, 2003 Redlands, and Rialto. Collaborating and collecting data from the agencies listed above to
Automated Decision Tools for update water supply and demand projections through 2035 based on changes since the 2010
Sewer Collection System
Assessment, California Water UWMP and compliance with SB-7. New requirements will be addressed, such as
Environment Association distribution system losses reporting as part of demand and digital submittal through DWR’s
Conference (CWEA), Ontario, new templates and online submittal database. Voluntary analysis of energy intensity in
CA, 2003 water deliveries and climate change impacts will also be completed during the update.
Improved Collection System
Management Using GIS, Water Orange County Water District, Recharge Water Sediment Removal Feasibility Study,
Environment Federation Santa Ana, CA. Project Engineer. Conducted a feasibility study to determine the most
Technology and Exposition cost-effective alternatives to remove sediments from the Santa Ana River (SAR) so more
Conference (WEFTEC), water can be recharged through existing and future facilities into the aquifer system.
Chicago, IL, October, 2002 Evaluated potential technologies and strategies, including in-river management and removal,
An Incremental Approach to GIS
and Floodplain Mapping, chemical/physical removal, and mechanical removal. The results of this feasibility study
Floodplain Management served as the foundation upon which a capital improvement program will be developed to
Association Conference, maximize groundwater recharge.
Sacramento, CA, September,
2000 Duke Energy, Catawba-Wateree - Water Supply Study, Charlotte, NC. Task Manager.
A Hydrogen Sulfide Screening Compiled and analyzed the available data concerning current and future withdrawals and
Tool Within GIS, WEFTEC, discharges in the Catawba-Wateree Basin; examined and quantified the impacts of drought;
Collection Systems Conference, and estimated the safe yield for water supplies for a long-term planning period (50 years).
Salt Lake City, UT, May, 1999
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