Page 65 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Spencer J. Waterman

                                  Professional Experience
                                  Mr. Waterman is a planner with an emphasis on water resources planning and water use
        BS, City & Regional Planning,   efficiency.  His experience includes development of water master plans, wastewater master
        California Polytechnic State   plans, recycled water master plans, grant funding applications, water use efficiency and
        University, San Luis Obispo   conservation services, and state water law compliance documents including Urban Water
                                  Management Plans, AB 1420 Self-Certification Statement materials, and California Urban
        Certifications            Water Conservation Council Best Management Practices reports. His planning related
        American Water Works      experience includes urban redevelopment plans, specific plans, general plans, the CEQA
        Association, California-Nevada   process, ordinance writing, and building permit review.
        Section, Water Use Efficiency
        Practitioner Grade 1, Certificate   Professional Project Experience
        # 1714
                                  San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, Regional Recycled Water Concept
        Professional Affiliations   Study & Grant Application, San Bernardino, CA.  Staff Planner.  Collaborating with
        American Water Works      nine local water and wastewater agencies to identify potential regional recycled water
        Association, Member       projects to improve local water supply reliability and sustainability.  Applying a triple
                                  bottom line scoring process to evaluate alternatives on the basis of economic, social and
                                  environmental criteria.  The process is being integrated with the ongoing Upper Santa Ana
                                  River Habitat Conservation Plan, which is critical to achieving local habitat sustainability
                                  and permitting regional recycled water projects.  The project is being completed under an
                                  aggressive schedule to advance the most beneficial regional projects into funding and
                                  implementation as soon as possible.

                                  San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water Distrct, 2015 Regional Urban Water
                                  Management Plan, San Bernardino, CA . Technical Advisor.  Being developed with the
                                  participation of the following agencies: SBVMWD, East Valley Water District, Riverside-
                                  Highland Water Company, West Valley Water District, Yucaipa Valley Water District, the
                                  City of San Bernardino Municipal Water District, and the Cities of Colton, Loma Linda,
                                  Redlands, and Rialto.  Collaborating and collecting data from the agencies listed above to
                                  update water supply and demand projections through 2035 based on changes since the 2010
                                  UWMP and compliance with SB-7.  New requirements will be addressed, such as
                                  distribution system losses reporting as part of demand and digital submittal through DWR’s
                                  new templates and online submittal database.  Voluntary analysis of energy intensity in
                                  water deliveries and climate change impacts will also be completed during the update.

                                  Northern Cities Management Area Technical Group, Regional Supply & Demand
                                  Planning, San Luis Obispo County, CA. Staff Planner. Provided as-needed research and
                                  analysis support for engineering services for the City of Arroyo Grande, City of Grover
                                  Beach, City of Pismo Beach, and the Oceano Community Services District.  Research,
                                  development of materials, and coordination with Northern Cities agencies and funding
                                  agencies for SLO County IRWM funding applications.  Research and analysis of water
                                  supply and demand data to inform water resources management actions.
                                  City of Camarillo North Pleasant Valley (NPV) Desalter Facility Funding Pursuits,
                                  Camarillo, CA. Staff Planner. Supported state and federal grant opportunities to assist with
                                  design and construction of the City’s proposed NPV Desalter Facility. Supported application
                                  efforts resulting in the award of a $10,000,000 grant through the Department of Water
                                  Resources Round 4 Water Desalination Grant Program.  Supported development of the NPV
                                  Desalter Facility Feasibility Study which was successful in meeting U.S Bureau of
                                  Reclamation standards in order to pursue grant funding through the WaterSMART Title XVI
                                  Water Reclamation and Reuse Program.

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