Page 68 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 68
County of San Luis Obispo : Paso Robles Modeling - Si performed water balance analysis on HSPF
watershed simulated outflow results and prepared input data package for a Groundwater Flow Model.
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District: Hydrogeologic Study of the Warm Springs Groundwater
Basin - Si developed HSPF model based upon the available data of precipitation, land use and soil types,
calibrated HSPF model with adjacent or nearby streamflow gages, quantify the groundwater storage and
safe yield of the Warm Springs Basin.
California American Water: Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project - Si, prepared cross-sections
based on well logs, revised NMGWM and CEMEX Model layers, calculated and summarized hydraulic
conductivity form grading analysis in CEMEX and Moss Landing Sites, mapped soil size distribution in
dune sand aquifer and 180-foot aquifer equivalent, prepared weekly/monthly monitoring reports for
Test Slant Well and surrounding monitoring wells, analyzed groundwater elevation changes and
calibrated CEMEX focused groundwater model, calculated slant well feed-water supply, impacts and
mitigation approaches.
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 67 of 208