Page 13 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 13
Mr. Aaron Jones, San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District
Subject: Revisions to Dudek Proposal to Develop the Yucaipa Basin Groundwater Sustainability Plan
o Dudek will request that the GSA provide all historical and current data in specified digital formats
within a 60-day window. Dudek has removed labor hours to manually enter and/or update
databases with information obtained from the GSA in the revised scope and fee, which reduced
the fee by $36,000. Additionally, no money is budgeted for incorporating data received after the
60-day window. Data received after the 60-day window will be used in the 5-year update to the
GSP, which is outside this scope of work.
The revised fee includes labor hours for Dudek to prepare four (4) water level maps,
eight (8) water quality maps, and five (5) hydrostratigraphic cross-sections based on the
data received in the 60-day data collection period. Additional maps requested by the
GSA will require a change order and may impact the project schedule.
• Dudek will run the future predictive simulations using the final version of the USGS numerical model,
which is anticipated to be available in summer 2019. The revised scope of work and fee are based on
receiving the final version in summer 2019 and completing the predictive simulations in time to prepare
the administrative draft GSP by July 2020; however, if the USGS releases the final version after the
summer of 2019, then this will impact the schedule and budget.
o Dudek has identified the following scenarios using the numerical model:
Dudek will use one 50-year climate period to represent baseline climatic conditions
One baseline simulation using existing pumping and spreading
Two simulations to evaluate proposed projects.
Additional simulations requested by the GSA will require a change order to revise the
project fee. This will also impact the schedule.
• Dudek will rely on the GSA in evaluating projects and providing specific details of the most favorable and
likely projects to Dudek to incorporate in the future predictive simulations. Hence, the revised fee
includes fewer hours for Dudek personnel to evaluate projects, resulting in a reduction in cost by
• Dudek will present an administrative draft of the GSP to the GSA in July 2020. Dudek requests that the
GSA provide comments on the administrative draft GSP within 60 days. Dudek will respond to 100
comments. Dudek has allocated 60 days to address comments received from the GSA and turn around a
red-line check copy to the GSA one week before release to the public. Dudek anticipates releasing the
draft GSP for public review in January 2021. The shortened time frame to prepare the administrative
draft GSP reduced the labor cost by $86,000.
o To accommodate the July 2020 deadline for the administrative draft of the GSP and reduce the
cost to prepare the report, we limited the number of figures included in the report to four water
level maps, eight water quality maps and five hydrostratigraphic cross-sections. Additional
figures requested by the GSA will require a change order and may impact the project schedule.
2 August 2018
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 29, 2018 - Page 12 of 25