Page 14 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 14

Mr. Aaron Jones, San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District
            Subject:  Revisions to Dudek Proposal to Develop the Yucaipa Basin Groundwater Sustainability Plan

                •  Labor hours were redistributed for the grant administration and public outreach tasks that resulted in a
                    savings of $49,000. Dudek will participate in two (2) public outreach meetings: the first meeting will
                    present our understanding of the basin and the SGMA requirements for achieving sustainability and what
                    that means, and the second meeting will occur just prior to the release of the draft GSP to the public.
                    Dudek will prepare a draft Outreach and Engagement Plan and provide the GSA with a 60-day window to
                    provide comments. Dudek will address the comments and prepare a final plan. Dudek will also prepare
                    eight (8) electronic newsletters distributed via email.

            We look forward to working with you and the GSA member agencies in developing the Yucaipa Basin GSP. If you
            have any questions or need more information, please call me at 760-479-4128.


            Steven Stuart, PE C79764
            Project Manager

            Att.:   Text here
            cc:   Mark Iverson, Western Heights Water Company
                 David Armstrong, South Mesa Water Company
                 Joe Zoba, Yucaipa Valley Water District
                 Peter Quinlan, Dudek
                 Jill Weinberger, Dudek
                 Zoe Carlson, Dudek
                 Kyle Harper, Dudek

                                                              3                                        August 2018
                              Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 29, 2018 - Page 13 of 25
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