Page 57 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 57
Infiltration Test Results
Note: Flow rates into the basin averaged 18.16 to 18.31 gpm
(below minimum threshold of digital paddle meter);
thus infiltration rates were calculated based on
meter readings approximately every two to three days.
A. Initial excavation of test infiltration basin
B. Flow control skid and temporary fencing
C. Post-infiltration potholing to evaluate
C subsurface moisture conditions
D. Dry soil conditions below shallow silt layer
occuring at 10-12 feet below the channel
E. Test in progress (Day 1)
Test Start Aug-06-2018
- Results of infiltration testing indicate that the site (within the channel) is not suitable for recharge.
Test End Aug-20-2018 - Full-scale basin initial infiltration rates (based on 50% of measured field-scale testing infiltration
Basin Dimensions (L x W) (ft) 41 x 21 10th Street and Avenue E rates) are estimated at 1.7 feet/day. Long-term infiltration rates (based on 50% of full-scale basin initial
Test Site infiltration rates) are estimated at 0.9 feet/day.
Average Water Height (ft) 2.5
" ) - Low infiltration rates appear to be due to low-permeability clayey silt layer, the top of which occurs
Infiltrating Area Basin Bottom (ft ) 960 at 10-12 feet depth. Dry soil conditions were observed below the clayey silt layer at end of testing.
Infiltrating Area Basin Bottom + Walls (ft ) 1,270 Hydrant - No fine-grained deposits were identified in EX-5 above 94 feet-bgs; fine-grained material appears
Total Water Added (gallons) 270,060 to be associated with sediment load from natural stormflows.
Total Water Added (acre-feet) 0.8 EX-5 Recommendations:
High (ft/d) 4 X Y - Near-surface coarse-grained sediments found in Wildwood Creek at California Street, appear to have
Infiltration Rate limited thickness and are underlain by a fine-grained matrix associated with natural stormflows,
Low (ft/d) 2.94
(Constant-Head) which limit infiltration significantly.
Average (ft/d) 3.5 - No additional actions are recommended at this site.
Infiltration Rate High (ft/d) 3.07
(Falling-Head) Low (ft/d) 2.4 ยด Figure 6
Full-Scale Basin Est. Initial Infiltration Rate (ft/d) 1.7 0 400 Feet Wildwood Creek
Full-Scale Basin Est. Long-Term Infiltration Rate (ft/d) 0.9 at California Street
Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - January 23, 2019 - Page 50 of 137