Page 72 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 72

Infiltration Test Results

 Note: Flow rates into the basin averaged 7.0 to 7.7 gpm
 (below minimum threshold of digital paddle meter);   B
 thus infiltration rates were calculated based on   A
 meter readings approximately every two days.


                                                         A. YVWD hydrant at 10th Street and 4" fire hose
                                                         B. 4" fire hose along northern channel bank west of 10th Street
                                                         C. Excavated basin, fencing, and soil stockpile
                                                         D. Initial test basin filling (Day 1)
        C                                          D     E. Falling head test in progress view from south (Day 2)

 Test Start  Sep-24-2018  - Results of infiltration testing indicate that the site (within the channel) is not suitable for recharge.
                       - Full-scale basin initial infiltration rates (based on 50% of measured field-scale testing infiltration
 Test End  Oct-01-2018  ยด  0  400 Feet  YVWD Hydrant  rates) are estimated at 0.7 feet/day. Long-term infiltration rates (based on 50% of full-scale basin initial
 Basin Dimensions (L x W) (ft)  46 x 20  infiltration rates) are estimated at 0.4 feet/day.
 Average Water Height (ft)  2.0  - Low infiltration rates appear to be due to low-permeability clayey silt sediments comprising
                       the channel sidewalls and bottom.
 Infiltrating Area Basin Bottom (ft )  960  - Fine-grained deposits were identified in EX-9 from 15 to 25 feet-bgs (approximately 0 to 10 feet
 Infiltrating Area Basin Bottom + Walls (ft )  1,270  below the channel bottom); however, fine-grained material  also appears to be associated with
                       sediment load from natural stormflows.
 Total Water Added (gallons)  50,632  Boring
 Total Water Added (acre-feet)  0.2  X Y  EX-9  Recommendations:
  High (ft/d)  1.59    - Surficial sediments found Oak Glen Creek at this location are comprised of predominatly
 Infiltration Rate                fine-grained sediments that may be naturally occurring and also associated with
 Low (ft/d)  1.24
 (Constant-Head)   Oak Glen Creek at Western Heights  natural stormflows, which significantly inhibit infiltration.
 Average (ft/d)  1.4   - No additional actions are recommended at this site.
 Test Site
 Infiltration Rate                    High (ft/d)  1.64  " )
 (Falling-Head)   Low (ft/d)  1.45                                                              Figure 13
 Full-Scale Basin Est. Initial Infiltration Rate (ft/d)  0.7                                 Oak Glen Creek
 Full-Scale Basin Est. Long-Term Infiltration Rate (ft/d)  0.4                             at Western Heights

 Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - January 23, 2019 - Page 57 of 137
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