Page 10 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 10

III.    Introductions  of  Board  Members  and  Public  Participants  -  Board  members  and  other
                       meeting participants provided self-introductions

               IV.     Public Comments - There were no public comments.

               V.      Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes

                       A.     Approval of Meeting Minutes of January 23, 2019

                              This item was continued to the March 27, 2019 meeting.

               VI.     Discussion Items

                       A.     Overview  and  Discussion  Regarding  the  Monthly  Progress  Report  for  the
                              Preparation of the Groundwater Sustainability Plan by Dudek

                              Tim Kellett discussed the current status of the data submittals and the quarterly
                              report to be prepared for the Department of Water Resources.

                       B.     Status Report on the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Grant Supporting
                              Work by the Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency

                              Tim Kellett provided an update on the grant administration for Yucaipa SGMA.

                       C.     Status Report on the Preparation of a Groundwater Sustainability Plan

                              Steve  Stuart  and  Tim  Kellett  discussed  the  outreach  plan  needed  to  provide
                              information to the public about the Yucaipa groundwater sustainability plan.

                       D.     Status  Report  and  Discussion  Regarding  the  Development  of  the  USGS  /
                              Geoscience Groundwater Model

                              There  was  a  brief  discussion  by  Steve  Stuart  about  questions  regarding  the
                              specific  groundwater  model  to  be  used  by  Dudek  for  development  of  the
                              groundwater sustainability plan.  Information and decisions will be discussed at the
                              next meeting.

               VII.    Presentation

                       A.     Presentation by the United States Geological Survey Groundwater Flow Model

                              Johnson  Yeh  provided  a  presentation  about  the  modeling  work  completed  by
                              Geoscience for the Yucaipa Basin and areas downstream to the Prado Dam.  The

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