Page 7 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 7

Todd Groundwater reduced the preliminary infiltration rates by 50% as shown in
                              the updated Table 4 in the final report.

                       D.     Overview  and  Discussion  Regarding  the  Monthly  Progress  Report  for  the
                              Preparation of the Groundwater Sustainability Plan by Dudek

                              Tim Kellett reported on the status of the data gathering efforts by Dudek.

                       E.     Status Report on the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Grant Supporting
                              Work by the Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency

                              Tim  Kellett  reported  that  representatives  from  Dudek  are  coordinating  with  the
                              Department  of  Water  Resources.    On  January  9,  2019,  representatives  from
                              Dudek, Department of Water Resources, and San Bernardino Valley Municipal
                              Water District discussed the reporting and payment reimbursement process and
                              other issues related to grant administration.

                              The Yucaipa SGMA board members reached a consensus that they would prefer
                              to  receive  quarterly  invoices  from  the  San  Bernardino  Valley  Municipal  Water

                       F.     Status Report on the Preparation of a Groundwater Sustainability Plan

                              Tim Kellett reported that information related to this agenda item was included in
                              the previous agenda discussion.

                       G.     Status  Report  and  Discussion  Regarding  the  Development  of  the  USGS  /
                              Geoscience Groundwater Model

                              This item was rescheduled to the February 27, 2019 meeting.

               VII.    Presentation

                       A.     Presentation by the United States Geological Survey Groundwater Flow Model

                              This item was rescheduled to the February 27, 2019 meeting.

               VIII.   Topics for Future Meetings - Mark Iverson called attention to the future topics listed on the
                       meeting agenda.

               IX.     Comments by the Board of Directors - There were no comments from the board members.

               X.      Announcements  -  The  next  meeting  of  the  Yucaipa  Sustainable  Groundwater
                       Management Agency will be a workshop on Wednesday, February 27, 2019  at 10:00 a.m.

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