Page 35 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 35

DWR Sustainable Groundwater Management Program  |  BMP Framework        December 2016

                     DWR elected to publish two categories of information that can assist GSAs and stakeholders with
                     SGMA implementation and preparation of GSPs – BMPs and Guidance Documents.

                     Best Management Practices (BMPs)

                     BMPs are intended to provide clarification, guidance, and examples to help GSAs develop the es-
                     sential elements of a GSP. BMPs rely on technical information from other groundwater management
                     efforts, existing standards, or other guidance or reference reports. The BMP categories include the
                       •   BMP 1: Monitoring Protocols, Standards, and Sites
                       •   BMP 2: Monitoring Networks and Identification of Data Gaps
                       •   BMP 3: Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model

                       •   BMP 4: Water Budget
                       •   BMP 5: Modeling

                     Guidance Documents

                     Guidance Documents are prepared for topic areas unique to SGMA, for either topics where no
                     established practices in the water management industry exist or to provide suggestions with
                     supporting graphics to aid GSAs in developing certain GSP components. The Guidance Documents
                     include the following:
                       •   Preparation Checklist for GSP Submittal
                       •   GSP Annotated Outline
                       •   Establishing Sustainable Management Criteria (In Development)
                       •   Engagement with Tribal Governments (In Development)
                       •   Stakeholder Engagement and Communication (In Development)

                     How to Utilize BMPs and Guidance Documents

                     BMPs and Guidance Documents are organized to follow a logical progression of SGMA compliance
                     activities. Figure 2 illustrates the relationship between BMPs and Guidance Documents in the
                     general progression of activities needed to manage the groundwater basin sustainability.  Figure 2
                     is provided for illustrative purposes only and DWR acknowledges that the need for and level of
                     effort required to complete each step will vary widely among basins.
                     The BMPs and Guidance Documents are only intended to provide technical or general guidance to
                     GSAs and other stakeholders. GSAs and other stakeholders have the option of using this material,
                     but the content provided in these documents does not create any new requirements or obligations
                     for the GSA or other stakeholders.
                     The BMPs and Guidance Documents do not serve as a substitute for the GSP Regulations or
                     the provisions in SGMA. Those GSAs submitting a GSP are strongly encouraged to fully read the
                     GSP Regulations and the text of SGMA. In addition, using these BMPs to develop a GSP does not
                     equate to an approval determination by DWR.

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