Page 31 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 31

December 2016         Preparation Checklist for GSP Submittal Guidance Document

 GSP   Water Code                         Section(s) or
 Regulations   Section   Requirement   Description   Page Number(s)
 Section                                   in the GSP

 Article 8. Interagency Agreements
 357.4   10727.6   Coordination   Coordination Agreements shall describe the following:
 Agreements - Shall   • A point of contact
 be submitted to the   • Responsibilities of each Agency
 Department   • Procedures for the timely exchange of information
 together with the   between Agencies
 GSPs for the basin   • Procedures for resolving conflicts between Agencies
 and, if approved,   • How the Agencies have used the same data and
 shall become part of   methodologies to coordinate GSPs
 the GSP for each   • How the GSPs implemented together satisfy the
 participating   requirements of SGMA
 Agency.   • Process for submitting all Plans, Plan amendments,
 supporting information, all monitoring data and other
 pertinent information, along with annual reports and
 periodic evaluations
 • A coordinated data management system for the basin
 • Coordination agreements shall identify adjudicated areas
 within the basin, and any local agencies that have adopted
 an Alternative that has been accepted by the Department

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