Page 33 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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DWR Sustainable Groundwater Management Program  |  BMP Framework        December 2016

                     Introduction to Best Management Practices
                     Chapter 7 of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), in Water Code Section
                     10729(d), states that, “By January 1, 2017, the department shall publish on its internet Web site best
                     management practices for the sustainable management of groundwater.” Prior to the completion
                     of a best management practices (BMPs) document, the Department of Water Resources (DWR)
                     was required to adopt regulations for evaluating groundwater sustainability plans (GSPs), the
                     implementation of GSPs, and coordination agreements by June 1, 2016 (GSP Regulations), and

                                 “Best management practice” refers to a practice, or
                                 combination of practices, that are designed to achieve
                                 sustainable groundwater management and have been
                                 determined to be technologically and economically
                                 effective, practicable, and based on best available science.
                                                                  –GSP Regulations §351(h)

                     The GSP Regulations adopted in May 2016 are part of the California Code of Regulations in Title 23,
                     Division 2, Chapter 1.5, Subchapter 2. The GSP Regulations address BMPs in Section 352.2 (Monitor-
                     ing Protocols) and Section 352.4 (Data and Reporting Standards). Other than BMPs addressing
                     monitoring protocols and monitoring sites, SGMA and the GSP Regulations provide no direction or
                     limitation with respect to what type of BMPs or additional guidance should be developed to assist
                     groundwater sustainability agencies (GSAs) with making sustainable groundwater management

                     Best Management Practices Development Process

                     BMP Webpage
                     DWR established a BMP Webpage at where BMPs
                     are posted and where Draft BMPs were accessible during the public comment period.

                     Topic Selection
                     DWR prepared a BMP survey (Survey) and invited the public and groundwater stakeholders to
                     participate.  The Survey was posted on the BMP Webpage.  DWR compiled and reviewed the Survey
                     results and considered this information in developing the list of BMPs and Guidance Documents for
                     completion by January 1, 2017.  Figure 1 provides a record of relative survey participation.

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