Page 195 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 195
Project Manager/Lead Hydrogeologist
Edwin Lin, PG, CHG
Edwin Lin, Principal Hydrogeologist at Todd Groundwater, has 20 years of
experience in groundwater basin management, including evaluation of the
technical feasibility, water level/quality impacts, and regulatory
compliance of managed aquifer recharge projects involving local
stormwater, imported water, and recycled water. Mr. Lin has extensive
experience in designing and implementing subsurface field investigations
for MAR employing a variety of drilling methods for monitoring well
installation, soil hydraulic and geochemical testing, and groundwater
quality sampling and analysis. In addition to hands‐on field experience, he is skilled in GIS
database development and spatial analysis, groundwater flow modeling, evaluation of
geochemical interactions, and application of advanced environmental statistics.
Edwin has recently designed and supervised multi‐day pilot infiltration testing with the Mojave
Water Agency and Santa Clara Valley Water District. He has also served as Project Manager
and/or Lead Hydrogeologist for recharge feasibility investigations for numerous agencies,
including Coachella Valley Water District, Mojave Water Agency, and Western Municipal Water
District. Through these projects, Edwin has developed a comprehensive understanding of the
key technical components critical to successful recharge projects.
As Project Manager and Lead Hydrogeologist, Mr. Lin will be responsible for
coordinating/communicating with District staff and DRE to ensure that project milestones are
met and to confirm that consultant efforts are completed within negotiated budgets. He will
lead all hydrogeologic aspects of the project and will direct and ensure that the all components
of each Task Order meet the District’s project objectives.
Edwin is known for his attention to detail technically and administratively. Mr. Lin is currently
leading a multi‐phase study for the Mojave Water Agency. The goals of the study are to assess
the feasibility of recharging State Water Project (SWP) water in off‐river surface spreading
basins within the western Alto Subarea of the Upper Mojave River Groundwater Basin (Basin).
To‐date, Edwin has designed and supervised the first phase of field investigations, which
included over 5 miles of surface geophysical surveying and field‐scale infiltration testing
complemented by borehole infiltration tests. Results indicate that near‐surface soils at three
target recharge sites are relatively permeable and generally suitable for recharge through
surface spreading basins. Average vertical infiltration rates calculated from field‐scale
infiltration tests range from 1.6 to 11.1 feet/day. The project is proceeding to the second phase
of investigation with drilling, installation, and groundwater quality sampling of two sonic‐drilled
monitoring wells in the area with the highest infiltration potential and evaluation of
geochemical (leaching) properties of vadose zone sediments.
Edwin has also led field programs to assess recharge feasibility in the Seaside Basin for the
Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency. Field activities have included exploratory
drilling and monitoring and injection well installation using a variety of drilling methods,
characterization of vadose zone sediments for hydraulic and geochemical leaching, percolation
testing, water level mounding assessment, and geotechnical evaluation of liquefaction risk.
Proposal – SBVMWD Yucaipa Basin Area 5 TODD GROUNDWATER
Infiltration Testing of Thirteen Sites January 2018
Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 172 of 226