Page 196 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 196
Field Design/Supervision
David Drewelow
David Drewelow, Vice President of Drewelow Remediation
Equipment, Inc. (DRE), has over 25 years of experience in the design,
installation, startup, and operations and maintenance of
environmental remediation and groundwater treatment systems, as
well as environmental and water well drilling. David has worked on
hundreds of projects for industrial, municipal, and private clients
throughout California. His expertise includes the design and
application of electrical test equipment, water and air vapor
conveyance systems, motors, pumps, temperature sensors and switches, pressure sensors and
switches, valve actuators, and telemetry systems. He has developed standard operating
procedures for numerous engineered field systems to ensure accurate and repeatable
monitoring, data collection, and equipment maintenance.
As Field Design and Supervision Lead, Mr. Drewelow will be responsible for coordinating and
implementing the field‐scale infiltration tests. He will be the primary communications contact
for all field crews (including subcontractors for earthwork, temporary fencing, traffic control,
and optional water tanks) and will be responsible for ensuring efficient field mobilization, test
pit excavation, operations setup, monitoring, and final cleanup and restoration at each site. He
will be subcontracting Engineering and Environmental Construction (Huntington Beach, CA) for
all earthwork activities, who he has worked with successfully on other projects. He will report
to the Project Manager on project status, including completed and planned field activities.
Proposal – SBVMWD Yucaipa Basin Area 6 TODD GROUNDWATER
Infiltration Testing of Thirteen Sites January 2018
Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 173 of 226