Page 209 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 209

Edwin H. Lin, PG, CHG

                       Pure  Water Monterey  Phase  1 and 2 Injection Well Facilities Design  and  Construction,
                       Monterey One Water
                       The Monterey Peninsula Pure Water Monterey (PWM) Project involves the recharge of 3,500
                       AFY of  advanced treated  recycled water into the Seaside Groundwater Basin.  Todd
                       Groundwater has completed detailed  hydrogeologic assessments over several years  with
                       emphasis on the evaluation of target aquifers, recharge methods, and injection and recovery
                       sites. Mr. Lin serves as manager of the project’s field programs, which to-date has included
                       the installation of the project’s first deep injection well and initial monitoring wells. Field
                       activities have included sediment core analysis for hydraulic and geochemical assessment,
                       geochemical assessment  of recycled water and groundwater compatibility, and  regional
                       groundwater quality monitoring. Mr. Lin has evaluated recharge impacts to satisfy project EIR
                       requirements, prepared 60%, 90%, and 100% design submittals of well drawings and technical
                       specifications  for two phases  of construction (including the installation, development,
                       equipping, and performance testing of two deep injection wells, a vadose zone injection well,
                       and seven  monitoring well  clusters),  and is  managing and  coordinating the  drilling and
                       installation of all deep injection, vadose zone, and monitoring wells. Additionally, Mr. Lin is
                       working with project water reclamation to establish water treatment goals and civil engineers
                       to ensure conveyance pipelines can accommodate peak recycled water deliveries to injection
                       well facilities.

                       Recharge Site Characterization for Recharge Feasibility, Western Municipal Water District
                       As Project Hydrogeologist, Mr. Lin designed and supervised a hydrogeologic field investigation
                       to characterize the suitability of five separate sites in the Arlington Basin for managed aquifer
                       recharge of surface reservoir  water. Subsurface characterization methods included Cone
                       Penetration Testing (CPT), hollow-stem auger drilling, double-ring infiltrometer tests, and lab
                       analyses for hydraulic and geotechnical properties. Mr. Lin performed analytical mounding
                       analyses  to estimate the  recharge potential of each site. Investigation results, including
                       geotechnical analyses performed by subcontractor Ninyo &  Moore, indicated that an
                       enhanced recharge project at each of the five sites was feasible. Sites were ranked according
                       to the most favorable hydrogeologic conditions for recharge and conceptual designs were
                       developed for one site.

                       Groundwater Basin Conceptual Models, Feasibility  Study, and Groundwater Management
                       Plan, Mojave Water Agency (MWA) and Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency
                       As Project Hydrogeologist, Mr. Lin developed basin conceptual models and evaluated water
                       supply and demand conditions to evaluate the feasibility of managed aquifer recharge (MAR)
                       with State Water Project water in three High Desert basins. As part of the study, Mr. Lin
                       helped design a geophysical surveying program, including 20,000 feet of multi-array electrical
                       resistivity and 35 time-domain electromagnetic surveys, to confirm vadose zone lithology and
                       fault locations. Findings indicated a MAR project would benefit communities in the Ames
                       Valley basin. Mr. Lin assisted MWA and the local water agency in preparing environmental
                       review documents and implementing a feasibility study to characterize the preferred MAR
                       site. A feasibility study was completed, involving the drilling and installation of monitoring
                       wells, aquifer testing, water quality analysis, and core analysis of vadose zone samples to
                       evaluate the infiltration potential of the target recharge location. Mr. Lin helped to construct

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