Page 210 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 210
Edwin H. Lin, PG, CHG
a MODFLOW groundwater flow model used to predict groundwater mounding and recharge
flowpaths. The model demonstrated the feasibility of enhanced recharge and identified
downgradient wells that would intercept and benefit from enhanced recharge. Mr. Lin also
assisted with modifying a multi-agency pumping agreement and basin groundwater
management plan, forming the basis for sustainable groundwater management of the basin.
Evaluation of Groundwater Recharge, Stonegate Development, Scotts Valley Water District
As project geologist, Mr. Lin estimated groundwater recharge impacts of a proposed 18-acre,
commercial/residential development located in Scotts Valley, Santa Cruz County. Mr. Lin
quantified onsite groundwater recharge under pre- and post-development conditions using a
soil-moisture water balance methodology and water demand estimates. He conducted field
percolation tests and assisted in the design of a subsurface stormwater detention/recharge
facility capable of infiltrating onsite runoff and reducing offsite peak discharge rates. Findings
showed that incorporation of the detention/recharge facility in the proposed development
plans was technically feasible, with a net positive impact to groundwater recharge. The
project is built and operating successfully.
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Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 185 of 226