Page 29 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
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Grant Agreement No. 46000XXXX
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Surface and Groundwater Quality Data:
Groundwater quality and ambient surface water quality monitoring data that include chemical, physical, or
biological data shall be submitted to the State as described below, with a narrative description of data
submittal activities included in project reports, as described in Exhibit F.
Surface water quality monitoring data shall be prepared for submission to the California Environmental
Data Exchange Network (CEDEN). The CEDEN data templates are available on the CEDEN website.
Inclusion of additional data elements described on the data templates is desirable. Data ready for
submission should be uploaded to your CEDEN Regional Data Center via the CEDEN website. CEDEN
If a project’s Work Plan contains a groundwater ambient monitoring element, groundwater quality
monitoring data shall be submitted to the State for inclusion in the State Water Resources Control Board’s
Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAMA) Program Information on the GAMA Program
can be obtained at: If further information is
required, the Grantee can contact the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) GAMA Program. A
listing of SWRCB staff involved in the GAMA program can be found at:
Groundwater Level Data
Grantee shall submit to DWR groundwater level data collected as part of this grant. Water level data must
be submitted using the California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) online data
submission system. Grantee should use their official CASGEM Monitoring Entity or Cooperating Agency
status to gain access to the online submittal tool and submit data. If the data is from wells that are not part
of the monitoring network, the water level measurements should be classified as voluntary measurements
in the CASGEM system. If the grantee is not a Monitoring Entity or Cooperating Agency, please contact
your DWR grant project manager for further assistance with data submittal. The activity of data submittal
should be documented in appropriate progress or final project reports, as described in Exhibit F.
Information regarding the CASGEM program can be found at
Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 29 of 226