Page 77 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 77
over District right-of-way. A minimum of 25-feet of line clearance shall be
maintained by other non-electrical overhead lines over District right-of-way. This
shall include new installations of aerial crossings and utility poles as well as
aerial installations attached to existing poles. The installation of guy wires within
District right-of-way is not allowed.
28. Parallel Utilities Shall be located as close to the District’s right-of-way boundaries as possible.
A lease agreement or easement shall also be required to be executed PRIOR
to permit issuance allowing a parallel utility within District right-of-way.
Utilities shall have a minimum of 3-feet of cover within District right-of-way.
29. Manholes Any manhole within District right-of-way shall be shown on the plans with
depth, station and rim elevation indicated. The District’s minimum manhole
cover shall be 36-inches in diameter. All manholes not located within asphalt
or concrete must include a manhole apron in accordance with District
Standard D260. Under no circumstances shall any manhole within District
right-of-way extend above finish grade.
30. Side Drains All side drain connections to District facilities shall be reinforced concrete pipe
(RCP), and shall be sized to adequately convey flows from a 100-year storm
event. The size, type and loading must be labeled on the plans. The
minimum allowable RCP connection size is 24-inches, with a 1350 D-load.
RCP not meeting either minimum criteria shall be rejected.
31. Concrete All structural concrete shall be 660-A-4000 in all inverts and 660-B-4000 for all
walls, including wingwalls and headwalls. All concrete shall conform to Section
201-1 of the Standard Specification for Public Works Construction, latest
edition, unless otherwise specified. Concrete for rock structures, bottom
controls, and splash pads shall be 560-B or C-3250.
32. Reinforcing Steel All reinforcing steel shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A-615 and shall
be Grade 60.
33. Angle of Entry The inlet angle to any District facility shall be shown on the plans. The
following angles of confluence are recommended:
Super Critical Flows Sub-Critical Flows
24” - 33” 90 ° max Up to 36” 90 ° max
36” – 57” 45 ° max 36” – 57” 45 ° max
60” and over 30 ° max 60” and over 30 ° max
34. HGL Existing and proposed Hydraulic Grade Lines must be plotted on all plans
involving storm drain connections or basin/channel improvements. Indicate
Q 100 and V 100 in the profile view.
35. Resubmittals All resubmitted plans must be accompanied by a cover letter that addresses
the District’s previous comments. Resubmittals without a cover letter
addressing previous comments will be returned without review.
Rev 07/21/2014
Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 73 of 226