Page 75 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
P. 75
All submitted plans must contain the following as applicable:
1. Digital Submittal Any connection to a Flood Control District facility shall require a CADD or GIS
file of the location latitude/longitude at the connection. Additionally, when a
Flood Control facility meets qualifications as a Regional facility or if the Flood
Control District will assume any type of maintenance or rights-of-way over the
facility, a CADD or GIS file showing the basin footprint and/or channel
alignment with a minimum of 1 meter accuracy in NAD 1983 State Plane
California V FIPS 0405 coordinates shall be submitted. Any basin, channel,
or connection alignment/locations shall reflect the actual location in said real
world coordinates. Acceptable file formats are as follows: .dgn, .dwg, .dxf,
.pro, GIS .shp, or GIS .mdb.
2. Best Management A copy of this form shall be signed by the Permittee or Permittee’s Authorized
Practices (BMP) Agent, and submitted to the District prior to permit issuance. The BMP
Acknowledgement Attachment can be found in the Flood Control District’s Permit Application
Form Package, and shall be included as an exhibit in all permits issued by the
3. Structural Integrity The District does not review the structural integrity of bridges crossing District
right-of-way. It shall be the responsibility of the engineer of record to ensure
the structural integrity of proposed bridge crossings.
4. Title Block/Stationing Description/type of work, District stationing and location of the project.
Corps’ stationing must be shown for projects impacting a U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers’ facility.
5. Vicinity Map Show the approximate location of the proposed project in relation to major
streets and flood control facilities
6. Streets All street names must be labeled on all applicable plan sheets.
7. Right-of-Way All right-of-way (District, City, Street, Caltrans, etc.) must be clearly shown
and labeled on each applicable sheet of the plans with dimensions. Include
a typical section. Acceptable manner of indicating District right-of-way is
SBCFCD R/W or similar. Using a designation such as “R/W” is not
8. Typical Cross Section Show all existing and proposed improvements as they relate to the District’s
9. Facility Name All District facilities must be clearly and correctly labeled on the plans. “Flood
Control Channel” or similar designation is not acceptable.
10. North Arrow Indicate the direction of true north relative to the project site on plan
11. Scale Horizontal and vertical scales must be used on each sheet submitted for
review. Use a scale that most accurately reflects the scope of the work that
is being proposed.
12. Benchmark The control elevation for the project should be shown on the plans.
13. Notes General and construction notes must be shown on each plan sheet where
applicable. Notes shall be clear, concise, legible and related to the proposed
Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 71 of 226