Page 78 - _ 180314 Special Yucaipa GSA Packet
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San Bernardino County Flood Control District
Schedule of Fees Ordinance No. FCD 15-01
Effective August 1, 2015
(a) Permits and permit amendments: (b) Plans and special provisions:
1. Minor Construction 1. Plans (CD) and special provisions (hardcopy) plus
A. Definition: utilities (parallel up to 100', site, non-parallel); general and applicable sales tax…………………………………………….. $ 20.00 /set
miscellaneous; small side drain connection (maximum 4'x4' reinforced 2. Plans and special provisionsm (CD) plus applicable
concrete box (RCB) or 48" diameter reinforced concrete pipe (RCP)): sales tax……………………………………………………………… $ 8.00 /set
I. Filing fee (non-refundable)………………………………………………. 385.00$ 3. Mailing charge, if applicable……………………………………… Actual cost as described
II. Review fee (for each connection)………………………………………………………….Actual cost as described ……………………………………………………………………………………….
in (j) herein
………………………………………………………………………… in (j) herein (non-refundable) (c) Reproduction services:
Review fee initial deposit……………………………………………..$ 3,000.00 /ea connection 1. Maps, exhibits and plans:
III. Inspection fee (for each connection) ………………………………………………………….Actual cost as described A. Prints………………………………………………………………….. 0.40$ /sq. ft.
…………………………………………………………………….. in (j) herein (non-refundable) B. Plotting service (3 square feet minimum)……………………………0.60$ /sq. ft.
Inspection fee initial deposit……………………………………… $2,670.00 /ea connection 2. Miscellaneous documents:
2. General and miscellaneous use: A. Black and white copies:
A. Permit amendments: I. 8 1/2" x 11"…………………………………………………………….0.10$ /page
I. General amendment (during construction only):……………………………………1,210.00$ II. 8 1/2" x 14"……………………………………………………..0.20$ /page
II. Administrative amendment (for each requested change)……………………………………………237.00$ /each change III. 11" x 17"…………………………………………………………0.30$ /page
(changes include name change, site change and time extension) B. Color copies:
B. Confined space video inspection ………………………………………….Actual cost as described I. 8 1/2" x 11"…………………………………………………………….3.00$ /page
…………………………………………………………………………………………………….in (j) herein II. 8 1/2" x 14"……………………………………………………..3.10$ /page
Confined Space Video Inspection Initial Deposit……………………………. 1,300.00 III. 11" x 17"…………………………………………………………3.25$ /page
C. Monthly land use fee of San Bernardino County Flood Control (d) Hydrology manuals………………………………………………………………..83.00$ /manual
District property. Minimum $600/month for area up to 1 acre. Fee (e) Flood hazard analysis……………………………………………………………..1,701.00$ /report
prorated above 1 acre.……………………………………………………………600.00$ /acre/mo (f) Hydrologic-climatological research……………………………………………….46.00$ /half-hour
D. Long term encroachment permit: 1. Biannual report………………………………………………………………41.50$ /volume
I. Definition: Long term encroachments are site encroachments 2. Transfer of data (CD/DVD)…………………………………………..$ 11.00 /each
initially installed under a minor or major permit but involve more (g) Mapping services:
permanent structures such as a well site. 1. Digital data preparation (1/4 hour minimum)…………………………………………………………23.00$ /qrt hr
II. Renewal fee …..…...……...………………………………………. $ 287.00 (non-refundable) 2. Digital data on CD……………………………………………………..$ 10.00 /order
III. Annual inspection fee- Applicable each anniversary (h) Area drainage plan fees:
date for any permit extending past 1 year term 1. Upper Etiwanda area……………………………………………………….9,790.00$ /acre
Initial Site……………………………………………………………. $ 1,315.00 2. San Sevaine Creek Area…………………………………………………..4,405.00$ /acre
Each Additional Site (within one mile radius)……………………. $ 323.00 3. Comprehensive Storm Drain Plan #3
IV. Late fee (for annual billings)(non-refundable)…………………… $287.00 plus 1.5%/month Project 3-5………………………………………………………………….7,159.00$ /acre
NOTE: If any fee is not paid when due and payable, permittee (i) Surplus Property
shall pay to the District an additional two hundred and eighty- 1. Application fee (non-refundable)…………………………………… 1,250.00$
seven dollars ($287) for each fee due as an administrative 2. Appraisal and Administration……………………………………………..Actual cost as described
in (j) herein (non-refundable)
processing charge. Fees not paid when due shall bear ……………………………………………………………………………………….
interest from the date due at the rate of one and one-half Appraisal and administration fee initial deposit……………….. $ 3,500.00
percent (1 1/2 %) per month. Potential purchaser will be responsible for providing all property boundary surveys,
3. Major Construction: legal descriptions and appraisals of the property. The San Bernardino County Flood
A. Filing fee………………………………………………………………….. $ 857.00 (non-refundable) Control District will review the survey work, prepare the grant deed and work with
B. Review fee……………………………………………………………… Actual Cost as described the Real Estate Services Department to prepare the resolution and Board agenda
in (j) herein (non-refundable) item for declaring the property surplus and seek Board of Supervisors' approval of the
Review fee initial deposit……………………………………………………… 5,450.00 transaction. These fees are in addition to the requirement that the purchaser pay fair
C. Inspection fee…………………………………………………………………..Actual Cost as described market value for the property.
in (j) herein (j) Actual cost calculation as identified in Sections (a)(1)(A)(II), (a)(1)(A)(III), (a)(2)(B),
Inspection fee initial deposit………………………………………………………5,000.00$ (a)(3)(B), (a)(3)(C), (a)(6)(D)(II)(i), (b)(3), and(i)(2) of this ordinance.
4. Community Benefit: 1. Actual cost is the sum of:
A. Definition: Community Benefit permits are when community groups want access A. The products of multiplying the time spent on the project by the San Bernardino
to facilities for litter removal, graffiti removal or other beneficial reasons. County Flood Control District personnel by the applicable hourly charge rates; and
B. Mileage charges; and
(I) Filing fee…………………………………………………………… no fee C. Any other costs incurred by the District in processing the project.
5. Non-obstructive existing encroachment (5 year term): 2. Hourly charge rates and mileage rates:
A. Definition: Non-obstructive existing encroachments are encroachments A. Schedule of Charges:
where the encroachment does not interfere with the operation and Personnel Classification……………………………………….…………………………………………………Hourly Rate
maintenance of the facility and has been in existence for over 10 years: I. Deputy Director……………………………………….. $ 194.00
I. Filing fee…………………………………………………………… no fee II. Ecological Resource Specialist……………………………………….93.00$
6. Soil removal or select disposal (goods and services): III. Engineering Technician II……………………………………….79.00$
A. Under 50 cubic yards: IV. Engineering Technician III……………………………………….87.00$
I. Borrow……………………………………………………………… $75.00 (non-refundable) V. Engineering Technician IV……………………………………….100.00$
II. Aggregate Material for Flood protection group: VI. Engineering Technician V……………………………………….111.00$
Definition: Aggregate Material for Flood protection group are VII. Equipment Operator I……………………………… $ 74.00
permits for community and fire agencies who request material for VIII. Equipment Operator II……………………………….. $ 82.00
sandbags and pick up the material themselves. IX. Equipment Operator III………………………………….$ 86.00
a. Filing fee…………………………………………………………….. no fee X. Equipment Parts Specialist………………………………$ 58.00
B. 50 cubic yards to 100 cubic yards: XI. Maintenance and Construction Supervisor I…………$ 97.00
I. Borrow……………………………………………………………… $ 150.00 (non-refundable) XII. Maintenance and Construction Supervisor II…………$ 105.00
C. 101 cubic yards to and including 10,000 cubic yards: XIII. Maintenance and Construction Worker I………………$ 65.00
I. Filing fee…………………………………………………………….. $325.00 (non-refundable) XIV. Maintenance and Construction Worker II………………$ 77.00
II. Adminitration and inspection fee: XV. Office Assistant II……………………………………….$ 48.00
i. Borrow ………………...……………………………………………………..$1.50/cu. yd. (non-refundable) XVI. Office Assistant III……………………………………….$ 61.00
D. Permit fees for sand and gravel removal over 10,000 cubic yards XVII. Planner I………………………………………………….$ 98.00
shall be set by competitive market conditions as determined by bids XVIII. Planner II……………………………………………. $ 105.00
or proposals. In addition, a filing and inspection fee will apply XIX. Planner III…………………………………………………$ 123.00
as follows: XX. Public Service Employee……………………………………….31.00$
I. Filing fee .…...……………………………………………………… $ 431.00 (non-refundable) XXI. Public Works Engineer II……………………………………….125.00$
II. Administration and Inspection fee: XXII. Public Works Engineer III……………………………………….152.00$
i. Borrow ………………...……………………………………………………..Actual Cost as described in XXIII. Public Works Engineer IV……………………………………….177.00$
………………………………………………………. in (j) herein (non-refundable) XXIV. Public Works Operations Supt……………………………………….127.00$
Inspection fee initial deposit………………………………………………..2,000.00$ XXV. Public Works Operations Supvsr……………………..$ 105.00
E. Minor Temporary Ingress ………….………………………………………$ 138.00 (non-refundable) XXVI. Secretary I…………………………………………… $ 67.00
7. Apiary rental site on property………………………………………………………..$ 1.00 per colony XXVII. Stormwater Program Manager……………………………………….139.00$
A. Apiary rental site on property minimum fee…………………………… $ 100.00 XXVIII.Supervising Land Surveyor……………………………………….138.00$
8. San Bernardino County Flood Control District land use with Board of Supervisors XXIX. Supervising Planner…………………………………….$ 135.00
approval: B. Mileage Charges………………………………………….…………. 0.88$ /mile
A. Filing fee…………………………...…………………………………………………….680.00$ (non-refundable)
NOTE: San Bernardino County Flood Control District land use
permits will be negotiated as leases on an individual basis. Existing
land use permits will be reissued as leases upon expiration of the
Yucaipa Groundwater Sustainability Agency - March 14, 2018 - Page 74 of 226