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Cojo-Jalama Ranch Groundwater Sustainability, Bixby Management Inc., Santa Barbara,
            California. Mr. Duvergé completed a Safe Yield Report on a 25,000-acre ranch in Santa Barbara
            County using County approved soil moisture balance method to quantify recharge and
            sustainable groundwater production, and evaluate potential impacts on groundwater-dependent
            ecosystems. The study was completed to document that the water demand of the ranch’s existing
            and future cattle operation would fall within the consolidated rock aquifer’s sustainable yield, and
            to comply with County thresholds for determining impact significance under the California
            Environmental Quality Act. The evaluation summarized the hydrogeologic setting, groundwater
            well distribution and depths, and the results of water level monitoring on the ranch. Prior to the
            acquisition of the property by the California Nature Conservancy, Dudek had been assisting the
            client resource evaluation work on the ranch by installing and monitoring gauges to measure
            rainfall, soil moisture content, and transpiration.
            Kunzler Terrace Mine Use Permit and Reclamation Plan EIR, Mendocino County, Ukiah, California.
            Conducted a subsurface investigation and prepared a technical memorandum addressing the
            potential presence of subsurface archeological resources based on soil age. Logged a series of on-
            site test pits for soil type and evidence of paleosols, drafted a memorandum based on the results
            that described the soil stratigraphy and the potential for buried archeological artifacts, and assisted
            in the preparation of the hydrology and water quality section for the EIR. The Kunzler Terrace Mine
            is an aggregate mining operation at the confluence of the Russian River and Ackerman Creek. The
            EIR analyzed the potential impacts of a quarry pit to be developed through three phases totaling
            approximately 30 acres with a maximum depth of 66 feet.

            Belden Barns Winery Focused EIR, County of Sonoma, California. Dudek is preparing an EIR for the
            County of Sonoma for a proposed farmstead and winery project that involves winemaking,
            hospitality, and farmstead food production on a 55-acre parcel in unincorporated Sonoma County.
            Groundwater and geologic hazards were major issues for the project, as it is located on an old
            landslide and in an area where groundwater is the sole source of water for rural residences. Mr.
            Duvergé established a well monitoring network, conducted a well pump test to determine aquifer
            properties, and modeled the long-term cumulative effects on groundwater resources. In addition to
            authoring the groundwater resources technical report, Mr. Duvergé also authored the hydrology and
            water quality chapters and geology and soils of the EIR.

            San Francisco Groundwater Supply Project EIR, San Francisco, California. The San Francisco
            Groundwater Supply Project is a project under the City’s Water System Improvement Program, and
            will provide the city up to 4 million gallons of local, sustainable groundwater every day. The project
            proposes to utilize up to six deep water wells and associated treatment facilities in the city. Dylan
            prepared the analysis of aesthetics in the EIR and supported the groundwater analyses and
            investigations of the Westside Basin with maps, figures, and GIS data.

            Steephollow Creek and Bear River EIR, Nevada Irrigation District, Grass Valley, California. Dudek
            prepared the EIR for the Bear River Sediment Removal at Rollins Reservoir Project for the Nevada
            Irrigation District. The project would restore and maintain reservoir capacity in Rollins Reservoir on
            an ongoing basis through re-establishment of gravel skimming operations on the Bear River below
            the confluence with Steephollow Creek. Mr. Duvergé completed a technical review of the
            hydrological and geomorphology studies completed for the project, and authored the geology and
            soils and the hydrology and water quality chapter of the EIR.

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