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Daniel Ritter, PhD, PG

            Daniel Ritter is a geochemist whose primary research focus was
            aqueous and isotope geochemistry. Research interests included
            using isotopes and geochemistry as tracers of natural and
            anthropogenic contaminants in groundwater and surface water,
            and the impact of interactions between water, rock, and
            microbes on groundwater chemistry. He is proficient in ArcGIS
            and has experience with MODFLOW and GMS.

            Project Experience

            Research Assistant, University of Arizona. Collected, prepared,               Daniel Ritter
            and analyzed water and gas samples for analysis of major ion        Education
            chemistry and isotopes. Contacted natural gas companies to
            obtain permission to sample their wells. Planned and carried        University of Arizona
            out sampling trips to collect samples from both natural gas         PhD, Hydrology and Water
            producing wells and monitoring wells.                               Resources
                                                                                Brigham Young University
            Physical Scientist, USGS GS-09, STEP Program. Assisted with         MS, Geology
            USGS fieldwork and research on methanogenesis in oil fields in      BS, Geology
            Louisiana. Collected and analyzed samples and helped prepare        Certifications
            and edit final report.
                                                                                Professional Geologist, CA No.
            Teaching Assistant, Brigham Young University. Graded                9618
            assignments and set up labs for Hydrogeology and                    Professional Affiliations
            Hydrogeochemistry classes. Graded assignments and assisted          Geological Society of America.
            students in Groundwater Modeling (GMS/MODFLOW) class.
                                                                                Geochemical Society.
            Hydrogeochemistry Lab Assistant, Brigham Young University.          American Chemical Society
            Prepared and analyzed samples for solutes, tritium, and stable      San Diego Association of
            isotopes (oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon). Supervised other     Geologists
            students in carrying out these same tasks. When supervisor
            was gone, helped ensure the smooth running of day-to-day operations in the lab.

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