Page 105 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Jill Weinberger, PhD, PG
Jill Weinberger is a principal hydrogeologist with 18 years’
experience working in the fields of groundwater supply and
development, water resource management, and groundwater
contamination. Dr. Weinberger has been the technical lead on
projects assessing alternative intake locations for desalination
projects along the California coastline, investigating the potential
for on-shore pumping to induce seawater intrusion in coastal
aquifers, evaluating the complex interactions between surface
water and groundwater in fractured rock aquifers, and quantifying
the transpiration demands of native vegetation in a changing
climate. Dr. Weinberger’s current professional responsibilities Jill Weinberger
include assisting water districts, municipalities and agencies
prepare for and implement the requirements of the SGMA, Education
designing and implementing of water resource investigations, UC San Diego
evaluating the interaction between surface water infiltration and Scripps Institution of
aquifer recharge, and assessing sources and movement of Oceanography
groundwater contamination plumes. Prior to joining Dudek in PhD Earth Sciences
2008, Dr. Weinberger worked for the Ocean Drilling Program Rice University
and the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program on projects BA Geology
incorporating marine hydrogeology, sediment physical Certification
properties, and borehole geophysics in the marine environment.
PG, CA No. 8940
Project Experience
• Prepared preliminary draft GSPs for the Oxnard subbasin of the Santa Clara River Valley
Groundwater Basin, the Las Posas Valley Groundwater Basin, and the Pleasant Valley
Groundwater Basin.
• Presented key technical concepts, proposed sustainability criteria, including measurable
objectives and minimum thresholds, and data gap analysis at stakeholder meetings.
• Prepared hydrogeologic conceptual model for the Las Posas Valley, Pleasant Valley, and
portions of the Arroyo Santa Rosa Groundwater Basins, as well as for the Oxnard subbasin of
the Santa Clara River Valley Groundwater Basin in Ventura County.
• Conducting ongoing assessment of groundwater elevation data, production records and
historical precipitation in order to link water levels and sustainability goals for the Las Posas
Valley and Pleasant Valley Groundwater Basins, as well as for the Oxnard subbasin of the
Santa Clara River Valley Groundwater Basin within the jurisdiction of the FCGMA.
• Participant in technical advisory group meetings, and stakeholder outreach planning for
preparation of the GSPs for the FCGMA.
• Prepared subsurface geologic analysis of Borrego Valley Groundwater Basin hydrogeologic
boundaries for submission of Basin Boundary Modification (BBM) Request to DWR, under
the SGMA.
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Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 103 of 208