Page 103 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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Percolation Basin Testing and Design Recommendations, Coachella Canal Lining Coordination
            Committee Technical Memorandum, San Bernardino County, California. Conducted percolation
            basin testing at Coachella Valley Water District’s Unlined Canal and at the Dos Palmas Aqua Farms
            percolation basins to estimates infiltration rates. Used falling-head and constant-head percolation
            tests to estimate percolation rates. Results were then used to plan new percolation ponds on the
            Coachella Valley Water District’s Unlined Canal and at the Dos Palmas Aqua Farms.

            Evaluation of the Proposed Fremont Valley Preservation Project Groundwater Bank, AquaHelio
            Resources LLC, Kern County, California. Conducted an evaluation of the Fremont Valley
            Groundwater Basin to determine the effects of groundwater banking on the basin. Conducted 23
            test borings and 12 hydraulic conductivity tests to evaluate surface recharge potentials.
            Constructed three percolation test basins to estimate infiltration rates. Conducted five aquifer
            pumping tests to estimate aquifer parameters to construct a conceptual geologic groundwater
            model to evaluate the groundwater banking operations. Estimated the safe yield of the Basin by
            precipitation and change in storage methods.

            Evaluation of Groundwater Banking Project Impacts, Environmental Science Associates, Kern
            County, California. Evaluated the effects of the proposed West Kern Water District Groundwater
            Banking Project to groundwater levels and to water quality for an EIR. Used the WinFlow modeling
            software to estimate the drawdown and mounding impacts for different well configurations,
            pumping and recharge amounts and for different locations. Examined historic groundwater level
            and water quality data to estimate project impacts to baseline conditions. Characterized the
            groundwater basin. Reviewed pumping tests to obtain aquifer parameters for modeling.
            Santa Ana River Groundwater Recharge Optimization Study, San Bernardino Valley Water
            Conservation District and Valley District, San Bernardino, California. Conducted recharge infiltration
            rate studies as part of a team to evaluate potential recharge and optimization for the upper Santa
            Ana River. Conducted falling-head and constant-rate recharge tests on existing recharge basins and
            worked with team to plan new facility locations.

            White River Recharge Site Investigation, Kern-Tulare Water District, Kern County, California.
            Conducted groundwater recharge basin tests to estimate percolation rates for a proposed
            groundwater banking operation. Drilled an exploratory borehole to determine the viability of
            conducting a groundwater storage and recovery program.
            Groundwater Resource and Quality Investigation, Blackwell Land LLC, Bakersfield, California. Evaluated
            the quality and availability of groundwater for approximately 45 square miles of the Berrenda Mesa
            Water District in western Kern County. Examined historic groundwater levels and water quality,
            characterized the groundwater basin and provided estimates of current groundwater quantities and
            quality. Performed pumping tests to obtain aquifer parameters and for water quality testing.

            Groundwater Storage and Recovery Pilot Project in White Wolf Basin, Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa Water
            Storage District, Kern County, California. Conducted a detailed hydrogeologic investigation on
            recharging State Water Project water in the White Wolf Basin for groundwater banking. The
            investigation included field work and reviewing reports, well construction information, groundwater
            quality and level data, oil and gas well information, and geophysical investigations. The investigation
            included surface recharge pond tests, design and construction of monitoring wells, water quality
            sampling, and conducting three aquifer pumping tests to estimate storage aquifer parameters.

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