Page 106 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
P. 106

Groundwater Supply and Sustainable Yield

               •  Analyzed groundwater quality trends for naturally occurring constituents of concern in the
                   Borrego basin.
               •  Conducted peer review and analysis of geologic and hydrologic evidence used to prepare
                   submission of BBM Request for the Cuyama and San Antonio Groundwater Basins, under
                   the SGMA.
               •  Assessed sustainable yield using network of groundwater wells, stream gauges, and soil
                   moisture probes for a private ranch in eastern San Diego County.
               •  Prepared technical memorandum regarding comparing the County of San Diego methodology
                   for assessing sustainable yield to site specific data on stream flow and runoff.
               •  Prepared recharge and sustainable groundwater production estimate for a 25,000 acre
                   private ranch using the Santa Barbara County methodology for determining CEQA
                   significance thresholds.
               •  Evaluated the impacts of naturally occurring hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] on water quality at
                   production wells owned and operated by the Santa Ynez River Water Conservation District.
                   Compiled and analyzed intraborehole flow data and depth discrete water quality sample
                   results documenting vertical variation of Cr(VI) concentrations in aquifer.
               •  Prepared County Groundwater Investigation Report update to County of San Diego Pine Valley
                   Cumulative Groundwater Study.
               •  Assisted with analysis of aquifer test data and water quality sample results for a groundwater
                   resources assessment for a large concentrating photovoltaic solar projects encompassing
                   1,473 acres of land.
               •  Provided peer review for Groundwater Resources Investigation Report for a 765 acre solar
                   energy system in eastern San Diego County.

            Groundwater/Surface Water/Habitat Interaction – Ecohydrology
               •  Evaluated transpiration data collected as part of an assessment of the potential for
                   groundwater development to impact native plant populations in the upland and riparian
                   areas of a watershed in eastern San Diego County.
               •  Estimated habitat water requirements using changes in soil moisture in order to assess the
                   water demands of native plant populations on a private ranch in Santa Barbara County.
               •  Conducted an ecohydrology study evaluating water demands of riparian plant population
                   supported by wastewater effluent in Imperial County in order to assess the potential impact
                   of a reduced water supply.
            Litigation Support

               •  Prepared Draft Feasibility Study analyzing alternatives for both water supply and remediation
                   in the Chino Basin necessitated by trichloroethylene contamination in a groundwater aquifer
                   with municipal supply wells. Identified potentially responsible parties and potential
                   groundwater pathways from upgradient sources.
               •  Assisted with the geochemical analysis evaluating the potential contribution of Bradley
                   Landfill to groundwater contamination in the North Hollywood Operable Unit of the San
                   Fernando Valley Superfund Site.
               •  Evaluated the subsurface geologic constraints, generated geochemical history, and created
                   an operational ranking matrix, to assist with cost allocation for perchlorate contamination at
                   the Bermite site in Saugus, California.

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