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•  Initiated a shallow groundwater investigation of an upland wetland habitat area previously
                   devastated by fire near the Sweetwater Reservoir in San Diego, California. Changes in
                   groundwater elevations in response to precipitation and surface water flows, coupled with
                   soil characteristics, were used to create a numerical model to simulate the height of the
                   capillary fringe above the water table. The findings from the investigation were used to help
                   design a habitat restoration program for the area.
               •  Project manager for investigating the performance and water quality of two municipal water
                   supply wells for the City of San Clemente, one of which experienced increasing chloride and
                   TDS concentrations. The investigation led to recommendations to modify the well to improve
                   water quality and production.
               •  Project manager for evaluating previous hydrogeological investigations conducted by others
                   that studied the potential impacts of groundwater production from fractured rock on the
                   water levels at adjacent private wells and riparian habitat for the City of Poway.

            Numerical Modeling Experience
               •  Modified an existing 3-D MODFLOW-OWHM numerical model to incorporate recent
                   groundwater level and pumping data for the Borrego Groundwater Basin. The updated model
                   was used to validate calibration of the numerical model and define uncertainty in estimates
                   of aquifer storage.
               •  Modified an existing 2-D MODLFOW numerical model by expanding the model domain with
                   additional layers to better represent the geology of the groundwater basin and incorporating
                   site-specific aquifer characteristics derived from local aquifer testing. The numerical model
                   was used to simulate the potential change in water table elevation resulting from additional
                   recharge from the discharge of imported water to recharge spreading basins.
               •  Modified an existing 3-D finite-difference numerical model to evaluate the potential impacts
                   to groundwater levels at a downstream ecological reserve when diverting stream flow and
                   pumping groundwater at a multipurpose basin upstream of the reserve. The modified
                   numerical incorporated monthly stress periods to simulate monthly variations in rainfall,
                   stream flow and evapotranspiration, which was defined using transpiration rates for riparian
                   vegetation mapped in the reserve. The numerical model results were used to develop an
                   operational plan for the basin to minimize the impacts to downstream habitat.
               •  Developed a variably saturated flow model to simulate the potential effects to shallow
                   groundwater levels and soil moisture when modifying a floodplain for a riparian habitat
                   restoration project. The numerical model was used to estimate the depth to the water table
                   and the height of the capillary fringe above the water table. Results from the numerical
                   model were used to design a habitat mitigation plan to sustain new riparian habitat.
               •  Manipulated the existing USGS MODFLOW groundwater numerical model of the Joshua Basin
                   using Groundwater Vistas to predict changes in aquifer storage as a result of projected
                   growth in the basin.
               •  Prepared a 3-D MODFLOW groundwater numerical model to simulate the transport of
                   dissolved chromium in an aquifer beneath the former Marley Cooling Tower Company facility
                   in Stockton, California. The numerical model is used to evaluate the hydraulic capture and
                   plume containment by the remedial well field. Proposed modifications in the pumping
                   scheme of the remedial well field are evaluated by using the numerical model to predict the
                   effect of such changes.

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