Page 97 - Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - Yucaipa SGMA
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• Prepared a groundwater supply assessment for the Joshua Basin Water District, including
simulations of water level and storage declines in response to various demand growth
scenarios. Evaluated recharge estimates, estimated storage, and historical production and
declines in groundwater levels, and estimated both recharge from septic system discharges
and water quality impacts associated with septic discharge. Identified potential sites for
artificial recharge through the capture of storm runoff and imported water.
• Designed and prepared well specification for a new production well for the Joshua Basin
Water District. Evaluated potential spreading basin locations for aquifer recharge with
imported water.
• Evaluated potential impact of a new production well on water levels and pump submergence
in existing wells, on seawater intrusion, and on colored water migration in the Orange County
Groundwater Basin for the Laguna Beach County Water District.
• Investigated the groundwater resources and sustainable yield of a 23,000-acre ranch in San
Diego County, California. Work included exploration drilling; production well construction; and
measuring rainfall, surface water runoff, changes in soil moisture, and changes in groundwater
storage. Estimated infiltration and losses to evapotranspiration to calculate recharge and
sustainable yield through water balance analysis. Performed an ecohydrology study to evaluate
water demands of native plant populations in upland and riparian areas. Project is ongoing.
• Investigated the groundwater resources and sustainable yield of a 25,000-acre ranch in Santa
Barbara County, California. Measured rainfall, changes in soil moisture, and changes in groundwater
storage. Estimated infiltration and evapotranspiration losses to calculate recharge and sustainable
yield through water balance analysis. Performed an ecohydrology study to evaluate water demands
of native plant populations in upland and riparian areas. Project is ongoing.
• Conducted resource evaluations and prepared a groundwater management plan in
accordance with Assembly Bill 3030 to develop groundwater resources in Tijuana Valley,
California. Designed a groundwater exploration program for the San Diego Formation, which
included the installation of two 1,400-foot-deep observatory wells and a 1,200-foot-deep
production well.
• Evaluated impacts of increased production from the Dyer Road well field for the Irvine Ranch
Water District.
• Consulted with Suburban Water Systems to site and design two 1,200-foot exploratory
boreholes and two 1,200-foot production wells. Prepared draft well specifications for driller
bid packages; interpreted geophysical logs; and designed well screen intervals, slot size and
filter pack. Evaluated water quality analyses from zone testing to determine screen intervals.
• Prepared a groundwater management plan for the Rainbow Municipal Water District. The
plan addresses water quality impacts from agricultural and horticultural runoff and septic
discharges, as well as developing groundwater supply.
• Evaluated the potential impact of seepage of reclaimed water from the San Joaquin Reservoir for
Irvine Ranch Water District. This evaluation included review of hydraulic properties of the reservoir
liner and underlying formations and water quality impacts on the Newport Beach Back Bay.
• Evaluated the impact of future wastewater plant effluent discharges on the salinity of
groundwater for the Ramona Municipal Water District (RMWD). Prepared numerical models
of the basin and a report to support a basin plan amendment request from the Regional
Water Quality Control Board.
• Prepared a numerical groundwater model to evaluate the impacts of increased discharge
rates of wastewater effluent from the Rancho Santa Fe Water Pollution Control Facility in
the San Dieguito Valley.
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Yucaipa Sustainable Groundwater Management Agency - August 9, 2018 - Page 95 of 208